Possession is one of the major factors towards winning any type of ball game. If your team has possession of the ball then it is, quite literally, impossible for the opposition to be able to score. The longer that your team can keep the ball then the more you will be able to dominate the game. You and your teammates will grow in confidence. You will be able to enjoy the satisfaction of playing to your full potential.
So, the question is - How will you manage to win that vital possession? In a 50-50 situation, where the ball is mid-way between you and one of the oppositions' players, how can you make sure that you will be the one that gets to the ball first? You will need to be able to move faster than the other player.
How will you be able to do this? - By using your superior strength, stamina, fitness and endurance.
During the recent Olympic games did you take a look at the top sprinters in the world of athletics. Are they all about large quadriceps muscles to power their legs? No - they have well-developed muscle structure throughout their entire body. Watch closely as a hundred-metre runner sprints down the track; see how the arms are pumping to provide momentum as well as balance. Notice the well-defined chest, back and neck muscles, all of which contribute by providing a powerful connection between arms, legs and head.
The objective is to be stronger, but this does not mean that you have to be bigger or heavier than the other person. By increasing your strength not only will you be able to run quicker, you will be more agile, faster at changing pace, and much better at altering the direction of your run.
Another great benefit will be your ability to avoid injury because your muscles are so much stronger. If you do get injured then any injury will be less severe, and also your recovery time will be greatly reduced.
If you are not the most naturally gifted, talented and skilful soccer player in the world (and lets face it - who is) then you must look for that all important edge elsewhere. Speed, stamina and endurance will be easier to obtain. Just by following a well structured and proven conditioning program you will be able to achieve total soccer fitness.
The player who is in the best physical condition will prevail!
To learn more about becoming a faster, fitter, stronger and more confident soccer player Chris recommends that you sign up for the email course on Soccer Conditioning, which you can get totally free at: http://www.ChrisTips.com