Thursday, July 30, 2009

Choosing Your New Bathtub

Are you a homeowner? If so, if you are given the option to change one thing about your bathroom, what would you choose? If you are similar to many other homeowners, there is a high possibility that the bathtub was your answer. In the United States, there are a rather large number of homeowners who wish that they had a new bathtub. If you are among those individuals, the good news is you don't have to wish any longer? If you want a new bathtub, you should get one. Making a new bathtub part of your bathroom remodeling project isn't as hard as it may appear.

Perhaps, the first step in selecting your new bathtub is deciding on the amount of money set aside for your budget. In addition, if you are remodeling your entire bathroom, it is important that you not make the cost of a new bathtub your only focus, but also the cost of your other supplies. If you mistakenly overspent on a new bathtub, it could affect the rest of your bathroom remodeling plans. Furthermore, you will probably discover that setting a bathtub limit or budget is the best method to cut down on shopping time. Having in mind the amount of money that would be consider overspent will prevent you from wasting your time, by examining bathtubs that you are unable to afford.

It is also a fine idea to decide, ahead of time, how you would like to have your new bathtub installed. If you have plans to hire a professional to install your new bathtub, you will need to be aware of the extra costs. Even though you might want to avoid paying a professional contractor, you may need to. There are several bathroom contractors who specialize in replacing bathtubs. In fact, some, literally, just place a new bathtub right over the old one. It may be feasible for you to do this yourself, but, in most cases, you will discover that a professional contractor would take as little as a few hours to install your new bathtub.

Regardless of whether your choice is to install your own bathtub or hire a professional to do it for you, you will have to find a new bathtub to purchase. If you are planning to have your old bathtub completely removed, you will probably discover that you have more options. When a new bathtub replaces an old bathtub, the tubs need to be somewhat similar in size or style. Hence, if you are remodeling your bathroom with the expectations of getting a "new," bathroom, you may be searching for something different. Fortunately for you, you still have a limitless number of options.

In the United States, the most regularly installed bathtubs types consist of traditional ones, which are also known as standard tubs. These bathtubs are frequently connected directly to the wall, positioned in a corner, and sit right on the floor. One of the good points about the majority of traditional bathtubs is the comparatively affordable price. You can buy a traditional bathtub for as low as two hundred dollars. If comfort is your concern, instead of price, you may want to consider spa-like bathtubs or even massage bathtubs. These bathtubs, as you may guess, are more expensive than most others. Several massage bathtubs or spa-like bath tubs go for around one or two thousand dollars. If you are searching for a trendy, stylish bathtub, you may fancy owning a freestanding bathtub. You can get a freestanding bathtub from as low as five hundred dollars, but it can also reach into the thousands.

Once you have made the decision of purchasing a bathtub that suits your preference, you will need to settle on on a particular tub. Perhaps, shopping is the greatest way to accomplish this. You may find it simpler to decide when you are able to view the bathtub displays set up. For an extensive range of bathtubs, consisting of displays, you are recommended to checkout one of your local home improvement stores.

Did you find those tips on bathroom remodeling useful? You can learn a lot more about bathroom remodeling by visiting

The author of this article is Shin who is the webmaster of the site where he provides tips on home improvement.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Simple Instructions on How to Remove Old Exterior Caulk

Exterior caulk is critical for preventing water damage to your home. It is used around doors and windows, between decks and exterior walls, around chimneys and many other places around the exterior of your home. Periodically you will need to replace the old caulk as the sun and weather will ultimately breakdown its sealing properties over time.

No matter what the manufacturer indicates on the label, exterior caulk will dry out and crack overtime.

When you're old caulk shows signs of cracking and discoloring, it is time to replace it.

Removing old and cracking caulk begins with a carpenter's knife and a flat screw driver or putty knife.

Using the carpenter's knife cut the old caulk line along the edge of the surfaces areas it is in contact with.

Once you have cut the old cracking caulk, use a screw driver and/or putty knife to dig the caulk out of the seam. This process can take some time, however it is important to remove all of it from the seam before re-caulking.

Once you have removed all of the old caulk, sweep and clean out the seam.

After thoroughly removing any loose particles and dust in and around the seam, apply a new bead of exterior caulk to the seam using a caulking gun. Use a moist towel or a finger to work the caulk into the seam.

To help ensure smooth caulk lines, you may consider applying masking tape on either side of the seam before applying the caulk. Just remember to remove the tape immediately after applying the caulk.

About the Author: Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit and

Nailing Or Screwing Drywall

Monday, July 27, 2009

Gas Leaf Blower Etiquette

If I was asked to put together a top 10 list of the worst inventions, a gas leaf blower would be near the top of my list.

It is an extremely annoying and loud machine that provides little to no value to anyone, including the person running it. Yes, it can quickly push a few leaves around, which may help in a few hard to reach locations, but overall it is an extremely ineffective and inefficient way to deal with fall foliage. As soon as a leaf pile or row begins to form, the blower becomes ineffective in quickly moving the leaves.

Even the more commercial grade blowers typically become impractical in moving large piles of leaves.

Gas leaf blowers, which are the type most homeowners purchase, are two stroke engines that require the mixing of oil and gas. Two stroke gas engines are great for being light weight, however they are notoriously loud and heavy air pollutants.

This all said, if you are still of the persuasion to purchase and use a leaf blower, you should at least follow a few basic rules of leaf blower etiquette.

First, unless you live in a rural setting where you're closest neighbor is no closer than a quarter mile away, refrain from starting it up until 9:30 am. Nothing can turn neighbor against neighbor more quickly, than the sound of a blower at 7:30am on an otherwise peaceful and tranquil weekend morning.

Second, know your gas leaf blower's limitations. It is not going to move a mountain of leaves, particularly if they are wet, in any quick manner. Once you have created a pile of leaves of moderate proportions, turn the blower off and employ your old fashion yard rake.

Third, blowing leaves off to one side of your property in hopes that they will stay put is just pure fantasy. As soon as the first wind picks up, the leaves will begin to all over your yard again. Collect your leaves and store them in bags or in a fenced in compost pile.

Finally, do not blow the leaves from your yard into your neighbor's yard, even though the offending trees may be on your neighbor's yard. Again, this is a quick way to turn neighbor against neighbor.

By following these basic rules of blower etiquette you should at least keep your neighbors from hating you too much during the fall foliage. However, before you decide to purchase or use a gas leaf blower you should also ask yourself what real value does it provide to you. Will it really save you time? Will you enjoy the fall outdoors even more? If your answer is still yes, then consider an electric blower. Though dragging a cord around is somewhat of a pain, they are quieter than than the alternative blower and do not pollute the environment. There are also cordless electric blowers as well to choose from, though there is always the hassle of having to recharge them. If the answer is no, or I don't know, then hold off on buying or using a blower. Instead, pull out the yard rake and enjoy a fall afternoon raking leaves. You might actually find the task of raking leaves to be peaceful and cathartic as you enjoy the peace and quite and fresh air.

About the Author: Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more information about Home Improvement and Home Additions, and Home Remodeling and Repair visit and

What Does A Gfi Do

Bathroom Rugs - Necessity Or Fashion Accessory?

Bathroom rugs are extremely popular in areas around the world such as Los Angeles, where a warm climate encourages individuals to keep their floors bare most of the year. With the extremely popular bathroom rugs that are so common in these areas, it is easy to create some warmth in the winter simply by putting down a bathroom rug and allowing the product to do its job. With the increased popularity of bathroom rugs in areas such as Los Angeles, it is easy to see that there is no end in sight for these types of products. With so many people and so many individuals making so much of an effort to utilize bathroom rugs in areas such as Los Angeles, it is not surprising that the popularity for these types of products has begun to skyrocket for those individuals and who are in need of some type of covering for their bathroom floor.

While many individuals avoid putting a bathroom rug down due to the moisture and amount of water that gets splashed around in the bathroom, there are specifically designed bathroom rugs that repel water and are less likely to be subjected to mildew. Utilizing these types of bathroom rugs is a good way to keep your floors warm for your comfort if you get out of the bath as well as increasing the level of safety and preventing slips. Slipping and falling in the bathroom is one of the most common incidents of injury in the home. It is a good idea to avoid this type of injury with the use of a bathroom rug, especially in warmer areas around the world that tend to have bare floors, such as Los Angeles. With a bare floor, you can keep your house cool in the summer, and when winter comes along, you can put down a bathroom rug to keep your feet warm.

With the emphasis on bare floors and bathroom rugs in cities such as Los Angeles that traditionally keep floors bare in the summer, it seems obvious that there is a great need for a type of covering on floors in the winter in order to preserve the warmth of the room as well as provide comfort for people who walk barefoot in the mornings after getting out of bed. By providing a warm surface such as a bathroom rug, you can make your home more comfortable all around. is a Los Angeles mattress company that offers bedding, organics, and other home furnishings.

Mold On Sub Floor Block

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Selecting the Right Bathroom Countertop Materials For Your Bathroom

Countertop materials and colors really set the tone for your overall bathroom design. Many colors, styles, pattern and materials are available to choose from - each with its own special qualities. In addition to making a statement bathroom countertops can still be practical, providing additional workspace. Choosing a particular material can set the tone of the room

By customizing your bathroom countertop, you will be able to address all of your bathroom needs and add your own personal sense of style. You will need to choose for your bathroom design project a countertop that can accent your major fixtures like your shower, toilet, vanity, etc.

Bathroom countertops are made from materials that are durable and, and are also quite easy to maintain. Most countertops are constructed by combining a base of plywood or particleboard that then spans across the top of a cabinet and the finish surface material. Materials used in bathroom countertops also include any mastic, glue, mortar or grout needed to adhere the surface to the base and keep it impervious to water and stains.

While functionality is important in the kitchen since the kitchen countertops take more of a beating that bathroom countertops do, when it comes to bathroom countertops you are more able to consider appearance above all else. Since bathroom countertops are generally custom-made, you will find that the style and design options are wide open.

Bathroom countertops come in many types of surfaces and materials. These include: laminate, solid surface, ceramic tile, marble, and granite.


Laminate represents the lowest installed cost and a wide choice of colors, patterns and textures. While laminate is stain and scuff resistant is can still be susceptible to burns and nicks.

Solid Surface

Solid surface bathroom countertops provide more design flexibility along with easy maintenance. These surfaces are easy to clean and sanitize. Scratches and most types of stains can be buffed out. Solid surface countertops imitate the look of natural stone such as marble, granite or slate. This type of material can be machined with standard woodworking tools, although you may find that you need a professional installer.

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic tile has long been a top choice for bathroom countertops. It is known for its variety of styles, colors, patterns and materials. Prices range widely, depending on quality, and you may find that not all tiles are suitable for bathroom countertops. Tile is made of clay, shale, and porcelain. There are different types of tiles including glazed and ceramic.


Marble is know for its beauty, but because it is soft and porous and can stain easily. Nevertheless marble still remains a top choice for bathroom countertops, walls and floors. Marble is available in slab or tile forms and in a variety of thicknesses.


Due to its beauty and durability granite is a more high-end choice for countertops. It is less susceptible to scratching and absorption than marble. Granite bathroom countertops withstand heat and the high usage that a bathroom counter would be exposed to. There are a wide variety of colors available, as well as finishes, including high polish, matte and rough-textured.

James Mahoney is the author of many bathroom design articles and has a site about bathroom design ideas and trends at Bathroom Designers

Sump Pump Damage

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Learn How to Tile a Shower

It's time to add value and quality to your home! Improvements in the bathroom can make or break a sale, don't miss out. Always check in the local designer magazines for ideas on the latest fashion. Might well be worth asking the local estate agents about the value of bathrooms and what designs are hot at the moment. Always stick you your budget, never buy way to many resources you won't ever use.

Follow each step carefully.

Step 1 Gut the shower.

Remove all unnecessary items from the shower.

Step 2 Install a vapor barrier.

This will prevent mold and mildew.

Step 3 Put up the cement board backer.

Remember to leave 1/8 inch between panels, you will seal this with silicone caulk.

Step 4 Measure.

Always use a leveling tool and sharpie when marking up.

Step 5 Dampen the cement board

Use a soft sponge.

Step 6 Trowel on the thin-set

Install a tile, remember to twist slightly when placing it onto the thin-set.

Step 7 Repeat the procedure

Repeat for each row, starting from the bottom.

Step 8 Leave to set

Leave for up to 48 hours.

Step 9 Grout the tiles

After 30 minutes wipe off the excess grout.

Step 10 Leave to set

Finally, leave to set for another 48 hours.

Plenty of money can be saved by finishing home improvements yourself, instead of calling the professionals in. Costly mistakes can be prevented by taking evening classes or purchasing books or digital video guides, recommended if your a beginner. The amount of cash used on tile replacement could definitely be better spent.

Get your detailed video guides and free downloads

Stepping On Ceiling Plaster

Relaxing Lodgings for Michigan Getaways

As the season turns, it is time to consider a little vacation leisure time. If a Michigan getaway is on your menu, there are a lot of informal lodging options.

Relaxing Lodgings for Michigan Getaways

Michigan is one of the most popular vacation spots in the Midwest. Situated between four Great Lakes (Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Superior), this state has over 2000 miles of shoreline for excellent lakefront vacationing. Add to that the charm of the forest wilderness that abounds in Michigan, which includes great golfing, fishing and hunting, and the state becomes a great place to take a family vacation away from it all.

When you are thinking about taking a vacation in Michigan, why not choose to stay in one of the many vacation rentals that are more homey than hotels? Aside from being more rustic and outdoorsy, these cabin lodgings also offer families an affordable and fun place to stay. Available for long or short term rental, these cottages are perfect for family retreats and trips. Finding a relaxing lodgings that suit you is as easy as taking a look at the area you want to vacation in.

The beautiful area around Oscoda, Tawas City and Mackinac Island, Michigan is known as the "Sunrise Side", and it borders Lake Huron. Here, lodgings can be found on the sugar sand beaches of Lake Huron or on any of the smaller, more secluded lakes that are found in the vicinity. Some unique places to check out here are the Anchorage Cottages, located in Oscoda. Available with a weekly rental rate, these cabins are situated along 150 feet of sugar sand beach bordering Lake Huron. The Anchorage Cottages offer separate bedrooms, kitchens and living areas, as well as amenities such as water sports, swimming and fishing.

If you would prefer to stay in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, there are also plenty of interesting little places to choose from. Here, A Cottage UP North, located in the Porcupine Mountains State Park, offers family vacation fun. UP North is actually a four season vacation home, which is available to be rented weekly year round. It sleeps ten with three bedrooms, and it is near both the state park and Lake Superior. This gives you the opportunity to go water skiing, fishing, hiking or just loaf at a relaxed pace of life.

Whether you prefer to stay on a lake or in the mountains, Michigan offers the charm and economy families need and enjoy. Whether you plan on staying in Michigan for a few days or a week, relaxed vacation lodgings beat out hotels any day.

Richard Rspad is with - reviews and articles on resorts.

Wood Window Sill Damage

Friday, July 24, 2009

Shower Head Sale Tips and Advice

Taking a shower is one of the most invigorating exercises one can engage in. We wake up in the morning and almost instinctively make a dash for the shower. For some, a cold or hot shower actually helps them wake up. A cold or hot shower in the evening after a long day at work is also extremely reviving and much report being engulfed with a sense of freshness and new vitality.

Man has come a long way to arrive where we are with showers. Rivers, lakes, waterfalls and also primitive wells used to be the showers back in the 1st century. Today we have high pressure showers and someone can get cleaner and feel fresher than when not using a shower.

A major component of showers is the shower head. While many people don't know this, there are many types shower heads. We are all accustomed to just getting into a shower and turning the faucet on and out comes the water jet. But different shower heads mean different things. A right shower head can save you money in form of water and can even boost your health. The wrong shower head is a drain to energy and can also be expensive as far as your water bill is concerned.

There are literally hundreds of different shower heads in the market costing anywhere from $100 to close to a few thousands (there are those which cost more depending on the material used to make them). The best shower heads are those have in-built energy-saving components. In the market today, you will find two predominant shower heads, the manual mixer and the thermo mixer. The manual mixer is the most common but unknown to most people, this shower head is a huge energy and water waster. A good shower head should be able to restrict the flow of water to 2.5 gallons per minute. This is good for water conservation and comes easy on your water bill. The thermo mixer mixes water and oxygen and then warms the water before it allows it out.

Mixing water with oxygen bubbles means that the water will be highly oxygen-saturated which is good for your skin. It also means that you can have a very invigorating shower without using a lot of water yet get the needed cleanliness just as it would have been with twice the amount of water. Thermo-mixer shower heads are also time savers. Instead of standing in the shower waiting for the water to warm up, you can do something else like warm coffee, brush your teeth, shave or check your email quickly. Then in a few minutes you can get into the shower and the water will be exactly the right temperature.

It is therefore essential to get the right shower head. If you want to switch from the regular manual mixer to the energy-saving shower heads, the best place to start is your local home improvement store such as Home Depot.

Theodore provides information about the best shower heads and recommends the best shower heads that save energy.

Fascia Damage From Metal Flashin

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Make Your Bathroom a Relaxing Retreat

When you think of a spa you think of beautification, relaxation and peace. Many women spend hundreds of dollars to go to a spa for massages, facials and overall beautification treatments. They may even travel long distances to find the perfect spa or to get a weekend away. However, with the right remodel, you can get the ideal spa right in your own bathroom. All it takes is a budget and some hard work to get the bathroom of your dreams.

The whole idea of a spa is to bring about a sense of relaxation. One way to bring about relaxation is to choose a color scheme that is pleasing to you. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to colors, but there are a few things to stay away from when you are trying to bring about relaxation. One tip is to stay away from bright colors. These colors may be bold and eye catching, but they can also be distracting. Another tip is to keep it simple. Make sure that all the colors blend with one another but do not over do it by bringing in too many colors.

One of the most important aspects of a bathroom is the shower. When you are in the bathroom you spend the majority of your time taking a shower or soaking in a bathtub. Because of this, the way you remodel the bathroom is very important. Shower heads are really what can make or break a shower. There are a lot of factors that go into picking the right shower head such as how many features it has and the water pressure. When the shower head is performing at the level you are happy with then it makes taking a shower a relaxing experience.

If you prefer a bathtub, however, there are a lot of options to get the spa feeling you are looking for. Bathtubs have evolved from a tub that you simply soak in to clean up. Now bathtubs feature jets and warming features to make the experience a relaxing one. There is nothing better then getting some time by yourself with soaking in a bubble bath. Many people who have a spa bathroom see it as a place to escape and release all of the stress from a hard day at work.

Accessorizing the bathroom is another remodeling element that is important for the overall look of the bathroom. You can get a sophisticated and modern look to the bathroom by using satin nickel cabinet knobs and handles. If you choose to go with satin nickel cabinet handles it is important to make sure that the other accessories in the bathroom match as well. These accessories include the shower head and faucet, the door knobs, the sink faucet and toilet handles.

Once you have the essentials chosen for the bathroom the next step is to decorate it. You want to make sure to choose towels and rugs that match the overall color scheme of the bathroom. If you bring in too many colors it can be distracting. You also want to make sure to utilize the space you have but do not over do it. If the bathroom is cluttered with knick knacks and decorations it will take away from the serene feeling you aim for. With all of these ideas you can get the spa bathroom you are looking for and the relaxation that you need.

Amanda works for Your Home Supply (YHS) the definitive website for home improvement tools, and gardening supplies. Your Home Supply offers a wide range of shower heads to help customers create their own bathroom retreat. Visit them now at

Acoustic Ceiling Water Damage

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Low Flow Shower Heads - Tips For Choosing the Right One

Installing low flow shower heads not only helps lower your monthly water and energy bills but is also the easiest and least expensive method to save the environment. But before you rush to purchase them, you should do some research on their effectiveness. This is because a wide variety of low flow shower heads are available in the market and each of them offers different results. The right shower head is the one that saves both water and energy, is attractive to look at, suits the dcor and makes your daily shower - a pleasant experience!

Pressure Compensating Technology

Water pressure can vary from building to building and even from region to region. It can be as low as 20psi at one place to greater than 80psi at another. It is because of this water pressure that the same shower head can give a different feel at different places. So one of the important factors to consider before purchasing a shower head is to find out whether it has any built-in pressure to compensate flow regulator technology. This will ensure that regardless of the water pressure, the gallons used per minute as well as the feel of the shower remain fairly consistent.

Spray Pattern

How warm we feel while taking a shower influences the extent to which we enjoy our bath. The manner in which the spray pattern covers the body plays a major role in the level of warmth felt in the shower in addition to the water temperature. It has been observed that most people prefer the full face spray pattern with nozzles distributed evenly throughout the diameter of the spray face. The water coming out of this shower head feels warmer as it is distributed evenly across the shower face.


When purchasing your low flow shower heads you also need to make sure that it has an elegant look which can match the dcor of your bathroom. There are many models available to match your requirements including polished chrome and brass and brushed nickel options.

Visit CORE online to get free access to tips and advice for buying low flow shower heads.

Ceiling Plaster Crack

Making Water and Gas Line Repair Easy

The water and gas lines that provide our homes with natural gas and potable water are essential to our everyday lives, but their importance is often overlooked until they need maintenance. Gas lines allow us to cook and heat our homes, and water lines bring clean, drinkable water into our homes to wash, cook and consume. While plumbing of one kind or another has been in existence for thousands of years, modern gas and water lines make our lives easier than ever. Because of this, it's vital that these lines are maintained properly and repaired when necessary.

Water and gas line repair can be an expensive venture, but you can save significant time and money by making sure that you approach the problem in the correct manner. First of all, never try to perform any kind of gas or water line repair if you are not a trained and licensed professional. Attempting to work on gas and water lines without experience can lead to serious damage, costly repairs and even injury to you or your family. Always call a professional whenever it comes to working on gas or water lines.

Secondly, make sure that you get more than one opinion when it comes to the best option to fix your broken gas or water lines. Because this field of work is not understood well by many homeowners, it is possible for some companies to charge more than necessary to fix the problem. There is nothing wrong with calling several different companies to diagnose your gas or water line problems and give you an estimate of what it will cost to fix things. Of course, you should only contact companies that provide free estimates.

Finally, you should always remember that it may be necessary for you to pay a substantial amount of money to fix your gas and water line problems. Once it has been established that your lines need to be repaired or replaced, you should never put it off if you have the money to fix the problem. By ignoring gas line and water line problems, you could put your home and even the health and safety of your family in jeopardy. While a fixing a clogged drain can be put off for several weeks, a broken gas or water line needs to be attended to as quickly as possible.

In the end, you will probably never experience any kind of gas or water line problem that will require you to spend your entire savings or take out a second mortgage. But being smart about how you tackle your gas or water line repair problem could save you plenty of time, money and stress when all is said and done.

Lorain County Sewer and Drain makes Gas and Water Lines repair simple and affordable. Visit our site today to learn more about basement waterproofing.

Flush Mounted Lights In Ceiling

Building a Shower Pan - In Six Layers by My Count

Building a shower pan is usually left to the pros. That's because you must get the construction right or the shower will leak. A leaky shower is a potential disaster. Now there are tile ready plastic pans that you can use as a base to lay tile on. But the traditional masonry shower pan works great and still is the most common way to get a tile shower built. It's tricky to build, but it's just built in layers from the bottom up.

You see a tile shower floor contains a hidden ingredient. The tile you see on the floor is not waterproof. Neither is the grout. Water goes right through grout and through tile even, so that's why the pan is more than you see. Here's how it's built from the ground up.

The ground being the base which may be concrete or a subfloor. Whatever it is, it must be stable and not bouncy. Often that first layer is a layer of cement board with maybe some tar paper over it. The paper is to keep the masonry that comes next in place until it dries. Meanwhile you have the drain in place and a special drain it is. The drain has two layers of drain holes. The top of the drain is set at the height of the finished floor.

Over the first layer goes a layer of masonry. Now it's a special formula and it's not too watery, but just right. This layer is sloped toward the drain, to the lower drain holes of the special drain actually. That's a secret ingredient. The water that seeps through the floor is heading for the lower drain holes.

Over the first masonry layer goes the next layer. That's in the form of a special thick vinyl sheet. That's what stops the water for good and moves it to the drain holes below the surface of the floor. And how do the drain holes stay open if they're below the surface? It's another trick.

Then over the vinyl membrane goes another layer of mortar. This layer is sloped to the drain too, but such that the finished floor will be at just the right height. This is the base for the tile. Over this base you lay the tile and slope up right to the drain which you see in the shower floor when it's finished. Grout the tile and you're done.

It takes six layers in a tile shower to build the shower pan. A shower built properly will last for many years. The real key is getting the drain in right and getting that vinyl membrane put in just right and sealed so it's really waterproof. This is a lot easier to understand if you can see it done at least once. Building a shower pan isn't complicated, but it's a bit tricky.

You can get access to video tutorials showing the professional tricks to building a shower pan including how to tile shower walls and put in accessories too.

Al Bullington invites you to visit for answers to your tile questions.

Swimming Pool Books
Porch And Sunroom Books

When We Choose Misery Over Happiness

I am not one to feel sorry for most people. They seem to have a unique ability to cause themselves the most damage during certain parts of their lives. I have met some pretty self destructive people in my life. Being raised by a mother that lived in misery and love.

My mother had a difficult childhood. It seemed as if every corner she turned there was a obstacle either right in front of here or waiting just around the corner. Her father died when she was 12 year old. He was a farm laborer and didn't make much money. In other words they were poor...... She got sent to live with a few foster families and according to her she was molested by one of the fathers she lived with.

Soon her older sister invited her to live with her. My aunt was married to the owner of a pottery business and had 2 children about 10 years younger than my mother. My aunt soon realized she had a live in baby sitter that allowed her to stay out drinking most of the day.

My Uncle was what you would call a drunk back then, now we call these people alcoholics. Well any way I think you are starting to get a picture of my mothers life up to this point. It is probably safe to assume that this isn't the ideal life for a young woman.

The next event to happen in my moms life was for my uncle to fall in the shower one night after tying one on that night. He died soon after but my aunt seemed to make a another good choice and ended up marring the owner of the bar that they spent most of their time in.
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. Allan K. Chalmers

By this time my mom was in High School and met my future father. It wasn't exactly a marriage made in heaven. My dad was always an easy going man. He seemed to let most stuff go in one ear and out the other.

As you guessed it they had a few children. Nice one Dad and Mom. According to the books I have read on Angelic beings. People that believe in the after life and angels. They tell me I had a choice and was able to choose my parents....... What was I thinking...... I should have choose someone with some money and a couple of parents that were deeply in love .

How did I end up here in this situation.

I ended up loving my parents like most of us. They seemed to be doing the best that they could possibly do raising me, my bother and my sister. My mom and dad ended up getting a divorce and I went to live with my father.

My Father is remarried to a wonderful woman that seems to bring him a lot of happiness.
I haven't seen my mother for a while now. She lives with a life of excuses and misery. Her childhood was not the greatest but that doesn't give her the right to bring misery into other peoples lives. She has made a conscious choice to live what seems to be a painful life. Maybe her choices in life have made me choose happiness over misery.

I have always wondered what it is that motivates someone to live a life of true unhappiness when it takes the same amount of energy to live a life of joy. Life is meant to be full of joy and happiness so start today by making the right choices to live a fulfilling life of happiness.

If you are reading this and can't make up your mind what kind of life you truly want to live visit me at . Change your thinking and change your life.

Greg Vanden Berge will help you create a new approach to life and discover talents you never knew you had. We can help you get the most out of yourself all the time. Start developing your innate strengths and abilities to start enriching your life TODAY !

Wood Post In Dirt

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

DIY House Painting - Home Contractor Advice

How The Pros Paint

You probably wonder how the painters get the job done so quickly, and then you realize they have a system that they use on every single job to get through it quickly and efficiently and tidally. At this point you're just imagining what the end result would look like and what you want it to look like. You have probably gone to a lot of paint stores and other places to get ideas of what you want.

They probably advise you on the different types of paints that would be available for various types of applications such as bedrooms and living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. They inform you about the shine levels of paints from flat finish to shiny finish and where they would use them. Since paint has been getting a lot better these days, you can go to a less shiny paint that is still be very durable but of course you pay for the quality of the paint. Not all paints our washable, in a cheaper line of paints enough to go to a shiny paint to make it more washable. The higher-end paints a more washable and lower shy levels.

To begin with you have to start the job off right.You should spend a short time assessing what you are going to do and how you're going to do it. This is very important for you to make a plan of action. From this point you will be able to decide where to have your tool station and what you're going to have stored in your tool station for the various tasks that you will be performing.

Now you're ready to do the next thing and that is all your preparation work. You now will grab a drop cloth. Put it under the place you're going to repair. Here now you will do your preparation work scraping sanding etc. The drop-off will protect the floor underneath. And so on throughout the whole house until all your prep work is done. Prep work should not be hurried up because this is the basis of a good paint job

Written by Vic Nagy owner of Hollywood Painting since 1979
This is the first of a series of articles I will be writing on DIY painting projects
You will be able to find me at:

Tricky Ceiling Framing

Tub Refinishing - Tub Reglazing Care Instructions

Tub Refinishing also known as Tub Reglazing is a process of applying a polyurethane coating in order to enhance or renew the appearance of your fixture. Tub Refinishing is somewhat the same as the finish on a vehicle and must be cared for in the same manner to prolong the life of the finish.

There are a number of things one must do in order for the reglazed finish to last. If you do not follow these basic care steps the lifespan of your finish may be cut down drastically as well as possibly void any warranty given to you.

These are the steps one must take to care for your refinished tub / reglazed tub:

  • Don't use the surface for the specified number of days or hours indicated by the company.
  • Don't lay soap, sponges, cloths, bottles or any objects on the finish at any time! Use a shower rack instead.
  • Don't let leaky faucets go unrepaired!
  • Don't use abrasive cleansers. No S-O-S pads. No Comet. No razors. NO ABRASIVES AT ALL! The tub will clean easily with spray cleaners and a soft sponge.
  • Don't use bath mats with suction cups underneath. They may pull at finish and trap moisture.
  • Don't pick surface dust off with your finger. Any surface dust will likely dissipate in 3-4 weeks with normal cleaning and usage. Waxing also helps.
  • Don't use bathtub or other glazed surface to clean brushes or any painting related chemicals or materials. Keep harsh chemicals away from tub. Don't clean or store sharp or abrasive items on surface.
  • Don't let workers stand in a reglazed tub with their shoes on. Have them remove shoes & put a soft towel down.
  • Don't put or store any items in a tub or finished surface that might damage or cut the surface.
  • Do make sure the room is well ventilated &read all manufacturers cautions and instructions. ALWAYS use your common sense, be safe and smart.
  • Do make sure there are no holes or gaps in any grout or caulking in your shower. This can lead to wall damage and a costly repair bill.
  • Do use Tilex - Lysol Tile Cleaner - Mr. Clean - Fantastic. NO POWDERS, NO ABRASIVES, just a soft sponge.
  • Do keep your tub clean and wipe it down with a towel after each use. You don't have to wipe it dry.
  • Do maintain caulking around the tub.
  • Do WAX your reglazed tub two weeks after it is done, then once every 1-3 months thereafter. Use regular auto wax and DO NOT OVER BUFF. Start by first thoroughly cleaning the surface then gently wiping dry. Then apply a light thin light coat of wax with a damp cloth using light circular motions. Wipe excess wax with a soft dry cotton towel.

With these instructions in mind you can rest assure that you are caring for your newly refinished tub or tile in the proper manner and avoiding the costly mistake of voiding any warranty given to you.

My name is George Piccot, owner and operator of Southern California's AB Ceramic Tile Regrout and Reglaze Systems - I have been involved solely in the restoration industry since 1989 and if you have any questions on a particular project feel free to send an email and I will be there to help. Best, George Piccot

AB Ceramic Tile Regrout and Reglaze Systems

Architecture Books
Furniture Restoration Books

Inerrancy of the Bible - Are There Mistakes in the Bible

What does the word inerrancy main? Inerrancy would refer to text that is accurate and totally free of any errors or without any mistakes. Does this sound like any book that you have ever read or have knowledge of. Maybe there is a one sentence book that could fall into this category.

Most books however and even this article has mistakes. If I made a decision to base my life, my entire life and that of my children and grandchildren, I would want to make sure that it was accurate as possible.

Is the Bible, 100%, 90%, or even 50% accurate. Are these stories that were written by people many years ago and the lessons have been helpful but now need to be rewritten.

Does the Bible actually contain the will of God? Some scholars believe that certain sections of the Bible meet this criteria while others do not. How can these people judge if they are not God and how can we believe in this stuff is not true.

If the Bible was inspired by God but written by men, this could actually mean that God had complete control over writing the Bible or does this mean that the man wrote the Bible with gods inspiration. I'm inspired by God daily and often write about it, but don't seem to have enough followers to make it into the biblical Hall of Fame. I'm writing with inspired beliefs right now.

If there are errors in the Bible, how extensive or how many errors are there actually. There are actual stories that can be documented as historical facts. This doesn't mean the rest of the Bible is factual, nor does it mean it is historically inaccurate.

The Bible has some errors in it and some facts that we can prove but leaves us with the question, is this a book from the Creator of the universe or a book written by men, to make us believe, it was written by God and if so why are we still believe being in it. Why do some people read this book and other religious text daily? What motivates them to read holy Scripture regularly but doesn't seem to allow them enough time to find out if they are reading accurate information.

The biggest problem I have with the inerrancy of the Bible is the fact that most people tend to ignore certain truths and cling to their childhood beliefs about religion. If this is not the way or the truth, I would want to start looking for it, instead of following someone else's dreams or religious doctrine.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion. Religious Education And Fear

Linoleum Edge Lifting

So Many Benefits in Building a Green House

Energy and cost efficiency are two perks of building using green architecture and design. At first the cost of building green may seem steep compared to a standard home, but the savings on utility bills can compensate handsomely. In green house design, electricity is used more efficiently.

Alternative energy sources can be used to actually save money. Using wind turbines can be one way to create electricity in green homes. Solar panels are an additional way to power electricity in a green house. With the cost of gas and coal powered utilities soaring, an investment in green technologies is likely to offset or even eliminate dependency on these limited resources for those building a green house. Installation and materials are the only aspects of solar and wind power that cost the builder anything. Both abundant and constantly renewable, the resources of sunlight and wind are free! Building green houses with wind turbines and solar panels can be both environmentally friend and economical as sources of power.

Another design concept that can be used is the gray water system. Gray water systems are more efficient because they use water from one area of household and recycle it elsewhere in the dwelling. For instance, using a gray water system could allow green home residents to collect water used while showering for watering a garden or flushing toilets! Unnecessary water waste is decreased in recycling water throughout the home from day to day. Reducing the carbon footprint of a home and saving money on water utilities are two benefits afforded by using state of the art gray water system technologies.

Building materials used and design of the dwelling are also key factors to consider when building a green house. Recycled or salvaged materials are an option in building a green house. From insulation to roofing and even flooring, it is possible to use recycled or salvaged materials for nearly every surface in green house designs! Recycled and salvaged materials have the double benefit of being both more cost effective and in many cases, more durable than other kinds of building materials. Using locally salvaged building materials can reduce the carbon footprint of a home even more if they are locally obtained. Since it does not require as much energy to manufacture and transport locally salvaged building materials, less pollution is created building a green house.

Different kinds of architecture can be used in building a green house in order to regulate indoor temperatures. Design which increases exposure to sunlight and heat retention is possible with green architecture and would benefit those building in cold climates. In warmer climates, a comparable principle of design can be used in building a green house. In warm places, residents can minimize sun exposure and harness naturally cooler biomasses beneath the surface of the Earth. The ways to reduce carbon footprints while saving money are truly endless when building a green house!

See more about building a green house at

Water Heater Floor Closet Framing

Types of Shower Curtains

Imagine this: a warm tub, lit scented candles and relaxing music all in one room. One thing is a miss. Beautiful shower curtains. To be able to enjoy yourself in the bathroom as you have a bath, you need privacy. These curtains will ensure that. They prevent water from splashing all over. This prevents accidents that can occur when you slide. Most importantly, they bring good ambiance to the bathroom.

Shower curtains are the first to be seen when a person enters the bathroom. You should take your time and choose them wisely. There are different types that you can choose from. They can change the bathing experience to an exciting one. There are various types of curtains. Some of them include: the fabric types, the vinyl types, the plastic and the novelty types.

Some people use screens. However, shower curtains are cheaper better. They are in different colors and designs. The curtains must be positioned well to prevent them from falling as you have a bath. This can be very embarrassing especially in shared bathrooms. Rods or tracks can be used to fix the curtains. They may be made of plastic or metal with a powder finish.

If they are attached to the ceiling, a spring telescopic rod can be used. The curtain is then hung with cheap rings. You may use decorated hooks that are available as in different materials. The materials may be: glass, plastic, brass, silver and copper. The curtains should be protected from bacteria and fungi that thrive in wet environments. They should be dried and sterilized regularly.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Shower Curtain. For More Information on Shower Curtains, Visit His Site at SHOWER CURTAINS

You Can Also Add Your Views About Shower Curtains At My Blog here SHOWER CURTAINS

Home Fence Books
Home Basement Books

Monday, July 20, 2009

Luck is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

You must be ready when an opportunity comes before you, opportunity often comes in the form of work and that's why most people seem to miss it. Most people are too busy looking for the easy path through life. They seem to lay around waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime,... to simply fall at your feet.

Why would you want to spend so much time complaining about something, or someone? Other people can help you along the way, if you let them, but it's up to you, ultimately, to become the most you can possibly be. I have had plenty of opportunities in my life and have took advantage of some, while letting most of them pass by.

I'm no different than most people but now seem to be aware of my surrounding opportunities, all the time.

How many times do you wish for an opportunity to come along? It's probably one that you missed already, at some point during your life. Are you going to be prepared for the next opportunity when it comes along? These opportunities seem to repeat themselves throughout our lives and if we're not in the right state of mind, we often overlook them and let them pass by, time and time again.

You need to prepare yourself in advance for the next opportunity. If you are prepared and have your eyes open, you will be able to see the next opportunity that comes your way. Preparation will increase your chances for success and good fortune always.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Be on the lookout, when you're walking to the grocery store, taking a break at work, reading the newspaper, talking to your neighbor, walking down the street or even while you are sitting alone, letting your mind wander away. Your chances for success could come while your in your quiet places, or relaxing. Be prepared.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Moisture On Vapor Barrier

Download Free Shed Plans and Blueprints to Build Your Outdoor Storage Or Garden Shed

If you are planning on building a garden or storage shed you will need some type of plan. It doesn't matter if you are a novice or a pro, you need guidelines. There are many sources to obtain free shed blueprints and plans.

If you are a novice and the word blueprint scares you, relax. These are simple detailed drawings that show everything that you are going to need to know to build your shed. They are no different than a travel map. It simply tells you that you need to travel from one step to the next, and what you need to get there.

So why bother with free shed plans? How often have you purchased an item, and then when you got it home, you wished you had bought the deluxe version, or vice versa? It's the same with plans. You go to all the trouble of picking one, purchasing it, then get it home, and for one of several reasons it just isn't want you want. If its free, then you have lost nothing, you can just go and find another one. You can do this several times if you need to until you find the perfect one for you.

Ok it's a great idea. Now where do we go to find these free shed blueprints and plans? To start with you could check out your local home improvement stores. Some of these have some great options. They often will have a series of standard plans in stock. They will give some of these to you free of charge, in the hopes that you will buy your materials from them. These plans usually consist of the majority of items they carry in their store. Some of them have even written their own series.

Another option is take in a rough sketch of the details of what you are looking for. Many building suppliers will draft up blueprints and plans for you. They may offer to do this for you with some type of commitment that you will purchase supplies from them. Sometimes they will offer this as free deal as a promotion.

Then there is always the internet. Lots of sites are willing to give away the prints and plans for free. Not because they are generous, but because they hope it will entice you to purchase some of the other items they carry.

These items are usually applicable to what they are giving you at no charge. For example if they give you all the drawings and plans you need., then you are going to have to know how to do the things that the plan says. This is where the extras come in. Perhaps the company that gave you the free shed plans sells some self help, or do it yourself books.

They would be pleased to sell these to you. This is not being sneaky. In fact its an excellent business proposal. They help you identify what you need and then offer support where you need it. With the combination of your plans, and the self help books you need, you're ready to build one good looking shed!

Ryan Henderson is the founder of -

As featured In Woodcraft, Log Homes Illustrated & Popular Mechanics Magazines, MyShedPlans provides the ultimate resource for woodworking enthusiasts and craftsmen.

Discover the easiest step-by-step way to build beautiful wooden sheds & woodworking projects in the next 5 minutes!

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P.S: Offer: Visit MyShedPlans official site now and download free shed plans now!

Upper Window Corner Over Moistop

Accommodation Types in Paris

Paris has a really varied selection of accommodation services. You can find everything here, from cheap accommodation in camps, through the student hostels and regular hostels after the luxuriously several star hotels.

Accommodation is paid to book and pay a deposit before departure. Avoid it, especially in the tourist season, the search for free room and save 5 euro or more per person per night.


Offering basic accommodation services, there is the possibility of accommodation, either in their own tents, where appropriate, in the chalets or bungalows. The advantage is the low price (around 10 per person), a disadvantage greater distance from the city center.


Hostels are probably the most frequently used by people who are in the so-called Paris up on their own fist. Provide accommodation for incomparably lower cost than traditional hotels. Across Paris is a few hundred hostels. Those that are lucrative places (near the center and metro stations) are usually booked, so you pay the hostel before departure, the book and choose the one location that you will be in, availability and equipment to comply.

Prices matters by the number of beds in rooms (Dormitory - the lower price). Classic "2-bed" can be bought from 17 per person per day.


This type mainly used by travel agents who organize for their clients and a short sight-seeing in Paris. Comfort in local hotels is compared to hostels. Large for comfort, it is necessary also to pay. Prices per night in a hotel starting at around 60 . You can also find a luxury hotel complexes, where per night touch to the wallets is 250 or more.

Check more then 2.000 Paris accommodation offers. - the place where over 1.000.000 of hotels are compared.

Swimming Pool Books
Home Electrical Books

Attic Odors and Strange Smells

If you've ever opened up your attic access hole, only to find one of the worst odors you have ever smelled in your whole life, I've been there too. What causes these horrible smells and what can you do about them?

Let's start with the cause of these smells, moisture, dirt, mold, mildew, dead animals, animals that make their home in your attic and the biggest problem of all is normally poor ventilation.

Poor ventilation is the biggest problem with musty smells in the attic. These smells are often caused from moisture accumulating in the building materials over time. If there is enough moisture in the attic, the wood will start to rot but this wouldn't be a normal situation, unless there was a roof or water leak.

Roof leaks can cause a constant supply of water to one part of the attic. This constant supply of water will eventually rot the wood and damage the ceiling. Water leaks from pipes can provide a steady supply of water and the situation can attracts termites and mold. Not a good thing.

One of the worst possible smells or odors in your attic would be a dead animal. Don't under estimate the size of some of these animals, they have found dead raccoons, cats, snakes, large birds, squirrels, rats and mice in some attics. These animals usually enter through damaged access holes or vent blocks, roof vents, large gaps, holes and even fireplace chimneys.

Once these animals die, their bodies start to decompose and produce one horrible odor. Once the body is completely decomposed, the smell usually goes away if the attic is ventilated properly. These smells can seep into the homes living area, often creating a room that no one wants to enter.

Home peststhat make their home in your attics, often create smells from urinating and defecating in the areas around their nest. Large birds like owls can become a problem over time.

Now that we've figured out some of the causes for attic odors and strange smells, what can we do to prevent this from happening and if it's already happened, how can we get rid of the smell.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at pest control books and home building ideas.

Attic Repairs

How to Install Bay Windows Properly

Proper Installation of Bay Windows

In order to properly install your new bay windows, you will need a few basic tools to assist you with. If you have a measuring devices like a handy tape measure and a long ruler or a framing square, you are almost ready to begin with your bay window project. As for cutting, shaping and other devices, be prepared with a sharp saw, drill and bits, a portable crow bar and a trusty stapler. A handy utility knife can also be of use for shearing small edges.

A basic package of a bay window must consist of the bay window unit itself. It should go along with other components such as fiberglass insulation, the brackets that will hold the bay window unit in place, nails, shingles and a caulking that is usually made of silicone. It is best to run a thorough check of all the materials, as they have to be complete to get you started. A window skirting for your bay window should be made of thick boards to support for the base unit. You will also need additional materials in any case you are installing a new window out of a space that was previously a blank wall. In the same manner, installing a new window out of an existing window, framing add-ons should be readily available, along with cripple studs.

Steps in Installing Bay Windows

The installation of a basic bay window comes in several steps. You have to follow closely to achieve a well-installed bay window at home.

First, locate a fitting area where you will position your new bay window. Locating a fine place for a bay window can be in an existing window that you wish to enlarge. In this case, remove the existing window from its case. Take note of the size of the new bay window that you need to install. This should be the size of the actual hole of your wall from where you removed the old window. Put appropriate markings on the exterior of the house to serve as your guide as you cut through them.

If the required opening is already achieved, you are ready to start with the framing. Prepare the studs, sill, and a new header to make up for the new frames. If you want your new frame to be more durable, prepare sturdy materials and work on them with the proper cutting tools.

With the framing ready, produce the support braces and have them installed. If this is done, ask a buddy to help you lift the window unit and slowly slide it through the opening that you made. Lock it in all the corners and consider adding support braces if necessary. A larger window would normally require more support braces.

The next part to install is the window's roof. It should consist of ample amount of insulation, roof sheeting and roofing paper. By the frame, staple the roof sheeting before wrapping it with the roof paper. The drip edges and the flashing comes next and lastly, the shingles. Do the same thing for the window skirting at the bottom. To polish all installation, have your caulking gun ready and seal all edges with silicone caulking.

These easy to follow steps also go along with your do-it-yourself bay window packages. The best thing to do is to read through them carefully and be sure to follow them religiously. The hint is doing things the right way and that can be achieved by sticking to the rule sheet.

Rudi Wolzett's articles are found on many websites tied to information on bay windows. Recording his experience in writings, the reviewer demonstrated his skill on issues relating to curtains for bay windows.

Under Side Of Entry Roof Framing

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bathroom Faucet Leaks

Faucet leaks can waste more water than you think. Have you ever put a cup or bowl underneath a leaky faucet and actually seen how much water is wasted. Leaky faucets should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent the waste of water in your home. Water is a precious resource and should be used wisely.

One slow drip from the faucet can waste over 5 gallons of water per day. If you think that's not a big deal, let me put it in perspective for you. 5 gallons of water per day equals 35 gallons per week, times 52 weeks in a year, that equals over 1800 gallons of water, and that's a lot of water.

The problem with a faucet leak isn't just the amount of water it waste, it will soon start to deteriorate your sinks, bathtubs and showers and could damage other sections of the home, like the wood framing. I've seen a water drip in a steel kitchen sink, in just a few years, wear a hole right through it. Keep in mind water and wind formed the Grand Canyon, water can be extremely erosive.

Faucet leaks can attract house pests, like mice, flies, ants and a wide variety of other insects.

Most faucets can usually be repaired for under $20. Most of the time the problem will be in the valves or handles that turn the water on and on. If you're not familiar with plumbing parts, you could pick up a do-it-yourself home repair manual or go online and look up the manufacturer of your faucet, for more information.

Usually the manufacturer has a diagram of the faucet, broken down into sections and you could get a pretty good idea, what parts you will need to remove, in order to replace the damaged part or parts that are creating the water leak.

Calling a plumber seems to be most homeowners last resort. They only do it if they absolutely have to. If you don't understand how a faucet works and have no desire to learn how, I would suggest you call a plumber or contact someone who can help you with your faucet leak, but get the faucet leak fixed and quit wasting water.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.
If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Stucco Damage At Sidewalk

Let's Talk Sears Bathroom Vanities

It would be churlish to deny the tremendous heft that a spectacular bathroom vanity carries in a bathroom renovation or remodeling project. These high-quality, intricately designed pieces help your personal space acquire a stronger cachet.

But when you're talking Sears bathroom vanities, you are looking at the blueprint for success. When this iconic brand takes center stage, your bathroom is gift-wrapped in a cloak of exotic mystery. Thanks to its trademark style and elegance, creating a warm and inviting space is child's play.

When Sears makes an entry into your life, even the most reticent guests are sure to be waxing eloquent about its awe-inspiring presence.

Taking The World By Storm

If you believe that a bathroom remodeling project literally means chaos on the brink, you must allow bathroom vanities from this formidable brand name to answer all your entreaties. It's the only name that every discerning and financially astute homeowner trusts when they are keen to ensure a complete reversal of fortunes. Their inimitable quality promises value for money, just only today, but for years to come.

But that's not the only reason that has propelled this brand to the frontline position in the contemporary interior design firmament. Here's the inside story:

  • It's not only unrivaled quality that people are making a song and dance about. There's dizzying array of vanities that carve a niche for themselves in every theme, layout and style of bathroom.
  • Matte or polished finish, the choices are sure to fire your imagination.
  • Avid do-it-yourselfers may want to put their skills to test by installing the vanities on their own. But for those that do not boast of such talents, service representatives from the company will be only too happy to help.
  • It's just not the massive selection of styles and design that will leave you giddy with anticipation. There are several payment options too that obliterate the specters of horrendous costs completely.

Simply put, with Sears you are constantly reminded of the well-placed and well-heeled demeanor of your bathroom.

Here's exactly how you can generate 100's or even 1000's of positively brilliant Bathroom Remodeling Ideas... FAST ! And you could easily increase your home's value by several $1000s fast with these 25 street-smart tips for Dirt Cheap Home Improvement

Pest Control Books
Home Organization Books

Your Royal Stairway - How to Achieve One

More often than not, most items found in your home serve primarily the purpose of decoration. Take your vases, paintings, and carvings, among others, as examples. However, some items serve for particular functions but may also serve as a decoration. Take your crystal chandelier (it is primarily to give light to your home but also serves as dcor to your ceilings) and your antique mirror for instance.

One thing that is not actually furniture which can be both useful and decorative in function is the stairway. Oftentimes, they serve as pathways from one level of our house to the next. Obviously, this is really a great help in houses with two or more floors. There are also houses which opt to put a stairway's platform in direct vision of a person entering the house from a front door. It gives out this appealing impression. Given this, it is therefore necessary that a stairway is not only sturdy and secure (for purposes of safety) but also must demonstrate "grandiosity" in its own right. Usually, this is attributed to the entire design of the stairway, but can also be tracked down to the specific stair parts, too. You have to remember that even the smallest detail, in this case part, can affect the totality of a whole structure to function and serve its purpose. This goes the same for the stairway and its stair parts.

A stairway may be built in different fashions. It can be helical, straight, or sectioned with a balcony. These final structures usually depend more or less on the materials used for the stair parts. Colossal mansions and castles usually have marble staircases of regal grace and elegance. Suburban homes have staircases of wood. For high buildings and skyscrapers, they have cemented or stone-made staircases. There are also some which have more than two or more materials mixed.

Some stair parts may be made of wood, while the others with cement or steel or other materials. For example, the steps are made of cement, the balusters from steel and the handrail from wood. However, when a staircase is made of marble, it is almost always the only material used for its stair parts, too. Oftentimes, the color of these stairways is usually the same with the rest of the house. This is because a stairway is a part of the entirety of the structure of the house.

There are various designs and materials of stair parts which when combined properly may produce a great look for the stairways. The general consideration is on the structure of your home. Also, consideration is also given to your budget to achieve the one which you like and is fit for your home. Most construction stores and depots offer various stair parts with affordable and reasonable prices.

Stairways, just like any general structures, rely greatly on their stair parts to achieve the final look to be visually stimulating to your guests and visitors and also for its solidity. Be certain that you only get what is best for your stairway to produce the effect of a royal pathway, to the next floor that is.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson writes for - SEO Company

Framing Rough Fireplace Opening

Checking the Building For Square

The most important thing when building a home is the ability to keep everything as square, plumb and level as possible. Starting with the foundation, if the foundation is not square or level, the rest of the house is going to be out of alignment.

You've probably heard the saying, start with a good foundation. This applies to the building industry as well. There are quite a few ways to build a square foundation, it all depends on what kind of tools you have, to build it with.

Some of these tools can be quite expensive but it used every day can save you a lot of time and of course time is money.

You don't need expensive tools to build a square foundation. You could actually build a square foundation with less than $100 worth of tools. It might take you a little longer but could be done.

Let's start with the 3 - 4 - 5 rule.

Okay lets see if I can explain this in layman's terms. If no West side of the foundation is 3 foot and the north side of the foundation is for foot, then the diagonal measurement from the southwest corner to the northeast corner would be 5 foot. Out of square building can create foundation problems

This can also be done using 30' x 40' should equal 50 foot. You can use this if the building is large and you need to check it for square.

By measuring the foundation diagonally from each corner, the measurement should be exactly the same. If it isn't, the building is out of square and should be adjusted before the concrete is poured. This measurement should always be checked before you get too far along in the form building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at concrete contractor basics and home building ideas.

Pour Girder To Post Connection

Liverpool Airport Hotels - Why Should You Stay There?

Liverpool Airport Hotels are easy to find, as Liverpool Airport is ideally located just out side of Liverpool City Centre, and so is handy for all the facilities of a busy modern city such as Liverpool.

With passengers taking more city breaks, long weekends as well as longer holidays, there has never been a better time to enjoy your time off work, and travel.

If you fancy a long weekend exploring a European City, or visiting friends and family who live abroad, then perhaps you will want to extend your holiday by staying in a Liverpool Airport Hotel.

If you're considering arriving at, or departing from Liverpool Airport, you may be looking for a Liverpool Airport Hotel to stay in. As the airport is so close to the city centre, you can choose from any number of Liverpool Airport Hotels. With so much to do in Liverpool and Merseyside, you really will be spoilt for choice. And that's before you consider visiting places further afield such as North Wales, The Lake District and the Golf Coast. Why not stay in Liverpool for an extra day or two and make the most of your time here? From the tours of the Beatles landmarks, to the modern art at the Tate Gallery, other museums and art galleries, and the brand new exciting Liverpool One shopping environment, there really is plenty for everyone to do in Liverpool.

As well as Liverpool and Merseyside, the North West offers many places to visit and things to do. Sport is well represented in the North West. The North West coast is known as the Golf Coast, thanks the many golf courses, including Royal Liverpool, Royal Birkdale and Royal Lytham. There are also 7 Premier League football clubs in the North West. Horse Racing is also popular, with the famous Haydock and Aintree race courses easy to get to. Blackpool, Southport and the Lake District are all worth a visit if you can make the time.

The picturesque North Wales coast line includes the popular destinations of Rhyl, Colwyn Bay, Llandudno and Anglesey which are within easy reach, and there is always plenty to do, whatever the weather.

Whether you're flying to or from Liverpool Airport on a weekend city break or a summer or winter holiday, make sure that you consider a Liverpool Airport Hotel either before or after you travel.

With flights to and from many different European destinations, you can be sure that you can fly to where you want to be, or depart from where you are.

As the 2008 European Capital of Culture, Liverpool has become one of the most popular places to visit. Make sure you see what all the fuss is about, and either fly from, or to Liverpool Airport, and stay in one of the Liverpool Airport Hotels.

Find out more about Liverpool Airport Hotels, and book your Liverpool Airport Car Parking online at

House Foundation Books
Home Basement Books

Saturday, July 18, 2009

3 Do's and Don'ts of Landscaping

Landscaping a home is like putting a cherry on a sundae. Dressing up the front or back yard will make your home look and feel complete while providing beautiful aesthetics. With so many appealing options to choose from, starting a landscaping project may seem like a daunting task. But it doesn't have to be. Your landscaping project can be as ambitious or simple as you want it to be. However, whatever the size and scope of your project, here are a few thing to keep in mind when planning the perfect garden.

1. Look before you start
Our first instinct may be to jump right into the project, but look at the overall landscape before doing anything. Consider your garden space as a whole and try to plan for an overall landscaping look and feel. This will make your garden flow more. If you choose to tackle one area of your garden at a time, without an overall plan, it may be years before you actually complete the project.

2. Develop a focal point
For the best results, you want the eye to travel to a specific point or destination. This can be done with one or two visual elements that will capture the attention and make you pause for a second. A focal point can be achieved with a pond or a fountain, a special seating area or a beautiful gazebo.

3. Mix and match
Don't be afraid to experiment and try to avoid having the same color or the same design throughout the entire landscape. This can make your garden seem boring and monotone, when it should feel relaxing and inviting. Try mix and match to achieve a more natural and appealing environment. But be careful not to over do it. Find two or three visually creative ideas and mix and match them. It will bring the landscape to life.

1. Don't eliminate the yard
While you do want to consider the entire yard space when planning your landscape, you should avoid completely eliminating the yard. Adding brick or stone, can be beautiful and offer low maintenance, but having greenery will liven up the yard and give it an inviting and natural feel. Also, keeping some grass in your garden will help cool the landscape on a hot day and provide a soothing feel.

2. Don't take on multiple styles
Be careful when choosing the style of your landscape. While mi and matching, in moderation will liven up your garden, trying to mix completely opposite style may backfire. Try to avoid combining a minimalist stone courtyard with a formal English garden. The idea is to keep the landscaping flowing with an overall style and some focal points.

3. Don't skip out on unseen materials
As with building a house, the foundations of a landscaping project are very important. Don't skimp out on the materials. Make sure your drainage is done properly, that the deck sits on solid foundations, that the pond has the appropriate amount of sand and gravel underneath it, that you have enough good quality dirt for your flower beds, etc. By investing in these foundation materials and following the directions correctly, you will reap the benefits of a beautifully landscaped garden without having to worry about future problems.

Specializing in Brampton property, Harry Saggu is a professional agent with Century 21 Peoples Choice Realty Inc. and has a background in economics. If you are in search of a Brampton condo please feel free contact Harry or visit his site

Shower Drain On Subfloor Framing

Surviving As A Contractor In California

So you want to make big money making a living as a contractor in the state of California. Well now I bet you have seen contractors on TV or maybe you know someone who is a contractor. You see these men and women playing the part as Mr. or Mrs. Money bags. If you have the slightest thought that becoming a contractor will provide you with a life of riches think again.

Most contractors that I know and have worked with over the years don't think of there jobs as easy. They have to work everyday and a lot into the night doing estimates or meeting with potential clients because they are to busy during the day. The life of most contractors in the beginning will be difficult to say the least. But if successful you will make a great living for yourself and your family.

Now that we got the false illusion of the contractor answering his cell phone all day at some nice golf course having lunch talking about the money that he just made selling his oil stocks. We can start on reality. If being a contractor was that easy everyone would be a contractor. Right..... Well maybe not everyone.

I have been a contractor for over 22 years and in construction for 30 year. I have seen a lot of changes over the years. I remember when a few contractors that I worked for made a lot of money during the late 1970's. These guys had Ferraris and money to burn with one exception they had no idea how to save any of it. These guys went on vacations and bought extravagant toys for them selves. Out of most of the big framing contractors I worked for about 10 percent are still in business or actually saved their money during the good times so that they could make it through the bad times.

These contractors never thought it was going to end. Life on easy street that is. But it did and most went by the way side. I guess that is the nature of business. Especially the current economic business cycles that we seem to go through over the years. If you don't have the money to advertise or carry a payroll. Your business is going to suffer during the bad times. Sure there is credit and bank loans but you still have to pay that money back. IF you can't save your money stash some away for advertising.

Some of the best advice I can give a contractor anywhere especially in the state of California is " Don't Think The Great Times Of Easy Money Will Last Forever". Save some of the money you make just in case you need to get through the bad times. You will thank me for this latter, Some time down the road. Take this advice and put it into action starting right now.

Greg Vanden Berge has over 30 years of experience in residential home building and remodeling. This provides you with the comfort of knowing that you have a professional with the knowledge and skills to complete your construction projects in a timely manner.

Our low overhead along with our new online estimating system will provide you with the most competitive construction pricing in the area. We continue to educate ourselves about the new home improvement books and building systems in the construction industry. If we have any doubt that something might not work we don't use it. We have found some of these products to be the root of some major home building problems.

Click on the Home Remodeling Ideas to get more information and a possible online estimate for your home improvement project.

Wave And Flood Home Damage

Downtown Boston Hotels

If you are planning a holiday in Boston, be sure to explore the sights in and around downtown Boston. Your kids will absolutely love The New England Aquarium -- a major attraction for families when visiting Boston.

For those of you who are interested in historical and culturally rich places, downtown Boston has much to offer, and it is not without reason that this city is called the Athens of America. You can visit a number of historical buildings or enjoy a stroll with your family along the cobblestone street of the historical Quincy Market. The market if filled with wonderful boutiques, bakeries and restaurants, and you can truly spend an entire day there.

Of course, if youre traveling to Boston, it makes sense that you would want to stay in one of Boston hotels. Among the popular downtown hotels are the Hyatt Regency, situated a block away form the Boston Common; Nine Zero Hotel, located at the center of downtown Boston; Seaport hotel, situated on the Boston Harbor, next to the Boston World Trade Center; Comfort Inn of Boston, located close to the Logan Airport; Radisson Hotel Boston, situated three miles from the airport and a few blocks away from Newbury Street and Wyndham Boston, located on the same street as the New England Aquarium.

All of these hotels offer excellent downtown accommodations and are ideally located for your excursions of downtown Boston. Some of these hotels may even provide you with a complimentary hotel shuttle for your ventures.

Boston Hotels provides detailed information about Boston hotels, Boston luxury hotels, cheap Boston hotels, downtown Boston hotels and more. Boston Hotels is the sister site of Florida Timeshare Rentals.

Home Garage Books
Structural Engineering Books

Benefits of Underpinning - Construction Tips

In the construction world, underpinning is a process in which you strengthen and also stabilise a foundation of a building which could be potentially dangerous if no action was taken. What are the benefits of underpinning a building or structure the building really need the work doing to it? These maybe a few of the question you may ask yourself if a surveyor tells you that your building needs underpinning. A few of the reasons and benefits you should consider are as follows...

1) The existing foundations are not strong / stable enough - underpinning will correct these problems.

2) The use of the building has changed - Possibly you have changed the purpose of a building, maybe from a house to a shop - underpinning will allow the building to take more pressure.

3) The soil properties that the building lies upon have changes - there could have been some movement in the ground, perhaps through subsidence - underpinning will help strengthen the building in this case.

4) New buildings or structures added to the surrounding area. If a new house is build next to an existing property, then underpinning maybe needed to strengthen the first property.

5) Land cost has increased. If the price of land increases by a great deal, it maybe cheaper to use underpinning with a view to improving the existing property (perhaps adding a new floor) rather than purchasing more land.

As you can see, there are many different reasons why you should consider underpinning rather than neglecting the reasons for using it.

Underpinning foundation Engineers
Underpinning foundation

Plumbing Pipes Crammed Into Stud

Friday, July 17, 2009

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel Budget - Home Improvement Ideas

As a bathroom remodeling contractor, I get calls from people, that have no idea what they want or how much anything is going to cost. Here's some simple tips that can be very helpful when planning a bathroom remodel budget.

Bathroom Remodeling Investment

In 2008, the average mid-range bathroom cost around $16,000 and you could recoup around $12,000 of your original investment upon the sale of your home. According to a popular remodeling magazine, larger bathrooms using expensive fixtures, tile, bathtubs, woodworking, toilets and showers had an average of $52,000. Upon the sale of a home, you could recoup around $36,000 of your original investment.

Finding out How Much Things Cost

My first suggestion, would be to visit your local home improvement center, lumber yard or plumbing supply warehouse. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, seemed to provide you with value pricing but don't have a large selection. While doing some research on the Internet I noticed that some of their pricing is outrageously, outrageous. Some plumbing supply warehouses can provide value but beware others won't.

Create a List of Bathroom Remodeling Parts

You can get a good idea of your bathroom remodel costs for your budget by making a list of bathroom parts with pricing and then adding them up for a grand total. If you're a total bathroom remodel budget is $15,000 and you have a $6,000 bathtub with $4000 worth of tile, you could have a budget problem.

Figuring out the Labor

You will have to contact a contractor to get an actual cost for the labor. Sometimes you can double the cost of your bathroom remodeling parts to get a rough idea. If you have a list or a couple of lists and a few pictures of some sample bathrooms, this will make the contractor's job easier and often they can give you a labor price within a few days.

Give Yourself a Cushion

I would suggest leaving yourself a small financial cushion for any additional remodeling items. For example, you could see a different toilet, or instead of painting the walls, you now choose to wallpaper, you could incur additional expenses that you haven't planned for. If you know exactly what you want and stick to the original bathroom remodeling plan, you shouldn't need the cushion.

Financial problems often transfer into construction problems, so spend some time figuring out, how much money you want to spend on the bathroom remodel and try not to go overboard on the budget. I hate to see homeowners struggling with home improvement loan payments. Try to create a bathroom remodeling budget that is realistic and will not create a financial burden upon you or your family.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Beam Damage Under Deck

Kitchen & Bath Remodel on a Tight Budget

If you're thinking of selling your house and it has older and outdated kitchen and bathrooms you're probably thinking thousands of dollars to remodel and upgrade.

There is a low cost alternative to replacing bathtubs, showers, counters, etc. by simply having them professionally refinished. We sold our house in 2007. It was built in the 70s I believe and each of the three bathrooms had different colored fixtures and tile. One was yellow, one was avocado, and the other was a funky brown and gold.

After some investigation I found a company called Miracle Method of Knoxville who refinishes tiles, tubs, etc., in place with very high grade paint and totally changes the look to a clean, modern finish.The entire process, depending on how much you do, takes anywhere from 1 to 3 days. If you're worried about durability they guarantee the finish for 5 years against peeling and flaking.

They have a showroom in the Middlebrook Pike area near Wright's Cafeteria so you can go by and see their work firsthand.

In each bathroom they repainted the bathtub and all the tile along the walls. I installed new vanities, mirrors, light fixtures, and a new, comfort height commode along with new vinyl flooring. My total cost per bathroom was under $2,000 and the difference was enormous.

BTW, our house sold at full price in a week. The buyers were totally blown away by the bathrooms and kitchen in a 35 year old house. So if you're thinking of selling your older house please give lots of thought to how your bathrooms and kitchen will appear to prospective buyers.

Jim Lee, REALTOR, Certified Residential Specialist

Bottom Of Ceiling Framing