Friday, May 30, 2008

Radon Test Kit - What You Need To Know?

Because of the great danger of developing lung cancer as a consequence of inhaling or breathing radon gas, it is a good idea to purchase a test kit to enable you to check for the presence of this gas in your home. There are numerous radon test kits to choose from though the one that you choose should be similar to a good gas detector or to those test kits that are often used by engineers as well as home inspectors.

Most radon test kits are available for less than a hundred dollars and are pretty simple to use and often, you need to do little more than open the canister and let it be exposed for about two to five days. After that, you can send the tested canister to a laboratory where it can be analyzed with the help of a pre-paid priority mailer that comes with the radon test kit. Usually, you don't have to wait long for the results to be known and in fact, you can get the results within twenty-four hours of the test canister reaching the testing laboratory.

If you are wondering why you should use a radon test kit and not a detector, and then the answer is that using the test kits are recommended both by the EPA as well as by the Surgeon General. By performing radon tests, you can know for sure whether you 553and also your family are safe from the gas or not. Thus, besides realizing the importance of testing for it in the home, you also need to know how to use a radon test kit.

However, because testing for radon is simple, you can easily perform the test in just a matter of a few minutes, though for long term testing, you may need to alternative means.

Conducting a radon test in your home is very simple. We have located a web site that sells low cost radon testing products that are 100% EPA approved and easy to use. You can order online and have the package within just a few days, not to mention their excellent customer support. Click here to go there now.


What Is This Blue Lumber?

Sunday night I was sitting around watching the Simpsons, my favorite TV show when I get a call from my dad. He was watching that show Extreme Home Makeover and he notice that they where building the house out of blue lumber. He asked me "Why is this lumber blue?" Confused, I was like "blue lumber?" I asked him did it look blue or was it blue, and he told me it was BLUE, the whole house. Not knowing what he was talking about I did some research, on this blue wood he was talking about, and came across some interesting facts on it.

Formed Steel Stairs Side View

Sunday, May 25, 2008

No Money Down - How To Buy Property With Nothing Down

If you have ever watched TV after about 11:30 at night, you've seen people talking about courses on buying real estate with no money down. They show vacation paradises, gorgeous girls, fancy cars, and huge mansions. All of this is promised to you if you buy their course on making a million with nothing! If you want you can spend "only three payments of $99.99" to find out about this exciting area...OR...I'll just tell you for FREE!

One thing I must mention first, however, is that ANY information, combined with NO action, produces NO result. If I came over to your house and showed you everything in person and answered all of your questions, and then you did was a waste of time. Yours and mine!! On the other hand, if you combine information with hard work, persistence and, most of all, GUTS, you will be successful, whether you buy the courses, read the books for free at the library, or get the information from me, right here!

I mentioned GUTS because there's a price to be paid for everything. If you had a million dollars, you could buy an apartment building without hardly any difficulty. Just pick out one that you liked, had a good return, and passed a building inspection.

If you DON'T have a million dollars, what are you to do? Well get ready for some hard work, searching for the right deal. Get ready to have a whole slew of offers rejected, and maybe even laughed at. Get ready to hear some pompous real estate agent tell you (as one told me) "Son, I've been in the real estate business for thirty years now, and let me tell you, there's no such thing as a no money down deal." Get ready to work on a deal and spend time on it only to have it collapse.

You're going to put in your down payment in the form of "brain sweat equity". You're going to pay by acquiring more knowledge than others in the area of creative real estate, and by searching long and hard to find MOTIVATED sellers, ones who want to get rid of their properties desperately and therefore are willing to help you out. Most of all, you're going to pay by enduring the inevitable "start-up glitches" that ANY business or enterprise has. If it was easy to do, then everybody would be doing it, and there would be no properties left! It is this difficulty that makes it EASY, once you know what you are doing!!

OK, so here we go, but first you need to know ONE thing: IN REAL ESTATE EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!! Let me say that again, because it is the linchpin of the way creative real estate works--in real estate EVERYTHING is negotiable!

What does that mean? Are there any boundaries? NO!! Can you get someone to carry an agreement for sale for 25 years with little or no money down and no credit check? YES!! Are there ten ads in the paper offering just such an agreement, or one? Probably none! What does that mean? EVERYTHING is negotiable! If you find a motivated seller, one who is paying every month to own 5B4that property, one who doesn't have the skills to fix it up, one who moved out of town, or the country, then he MIGHT go for it! Notice that I did not say WILL go for it, but MIGHT!

Think of yourself when you had a car that you wanted to get rid of, because it was a piece of junk. If someone approached you and asked "how much?", you'd say "$1000, firm". But you knew deep inside that you just wanted to get rid of the headache!! And if you ever had to wait for a month or two with no one buying your car, suddenly you were not quite so firm on the price! And if the alternator had to be replaced before the car could run, pretty soon you just wanted it OUT of your hands!! NOW, you're ready to accept monthly payments, maybe hold something as security, etc. You just want it GONE!

It is the same with real estate properties! They go from being our pride and joy to an albatross around our necks--then we're ready to do WHATEVER it takes to get rid of it!

These people aren't going to jump up and down and say "I'm willing to take a no money down deal for my property"! They are going to be depressed, just like the fellow with a clunker in his back yard, sitting there for months. They are going to need some convincing, but if you find the "DON'T WANTER", the most difficult part is done! Then you make offers, look closely at each property to see if you can make a go of it (that's a whole other report!) if you can get the property--some5B4times you don't want it either! Then it is just a matter of making offers, either in person, or through a realtor, until you find someone who is

ready to deal. The first time is the hardest, because no matter how many times I tell you (or the TV guys) that it CAN be done, you are going to think "not for me, not here in __________, not any more, not with my areas laws and zoning regulations, not with my personality, not with my brains, etc."

Don't you believe it! Look at all the people in the TV commercials-all types and shapes-they have ONE thing in common--they went out and DID IT!


Here's the "stream of consciousness" of ideas on how to buy with $000.00 down, but keep in mind the whole time that IN REAL ESTATE EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!

1) The simplest way to buy with no money down is to get the seller to carry an agreement for sale. Monthly payments for 25 years are possible if the seller has no need for the money, and can be convinced to get his 6,7,8% return secured by his house instead of buying a 4% bond.

2) If you have good credit and want to put no money into a property, try a first mortgage, Vendor carries a big second for remainder. Seller gets , say 75%, and carries 25%.

3) Again with good credit, try first, smaller 2nd, and a Personal Line of Credit for remainder--especially if the gap is only $10-15,000. This can even work for low p5B4riced properties where the first mortgage is combined with a PLC for the remainder--be smart enough to go to another bank for PLC and tell them that you're going to make an invstment with money--and don't tell ANY bank that you're doing a no money down deal!

4) Payment over time-seller wants $5,000 down, for example. How about $400 per month for a year? You're still paying it, but over time-maybe the property will generate enough extra money to pay this!

5) Back taxes-I've done deals where I've taken over back taxes due--you can pay them off at your own speed, within reason!

6) Free rent-I've done deals where the seller had office space in the building and took 2 years free rent as down payment! Can also work for multi family.

7) Upon closing there are adjustments for that months rent--close on the 2nd or 3rd to maximize this-and for damage deposits, taxes to be paid for the period owned by seller, utility bills to be paid, etc. These can add up to a large amount!

8) Since the bank starts mortgage payments one month from closing, simply by paying an interest adjustment of 2 weeks allows you to use the first months rent and apply the second months rent to the mortgage payment.

9) Borrow on insurance policy, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. If you allow the bank to secure the collateral they will be very accommodating.

10) Rack up your Visa, Mastercard and American Exp15E8res cards. A bit crazy, but I assume its a great investment!

11) Borrow from friends, relatives, boss (holiday pay?) Maybe even cut them in as partners!

12) Partners are a surefire way to get accepted for big bank loans, create enough down payments, etc. Always look for people who are interested in this area, and ask them what prevents them from buying investment properties. If its time, expertise, etc--then you have a fit! All that's preventing you is money--and you have found this great property haven't you?

13) Syndicate a group of people--say 9 investors and you get the last tenth for putting together the project--they will provide the financial strength for the loan, and maybe even the down payments! Anything is possible, remember? This is a lot of work to find these people, but VERY lucrative! Start with dentists and doctors, lawyers, everyone that you deal with!

14) Rent to buy--maybe you make payments for 3 years and then have built up the downpayment--meanwhile the property can go up in value, rents rise, and so on.

15) Option to buy--Seller keeps title and gets all revenue. You simply pay a sum for the right (make it REALLY legal!) to purchase the property at a certain sum in X years. There could be a trade for this option, example trade an item or service for the option.

16) Lets make trading an item or service for down payment its own idea!

17) Foreclosure property--maybe just before it goes into foreclosure you offer to keep up the payments and give seller SOMETHING, SOMETIME for his equity. (In a short while he's not getting anything!) Lots of work, lots of books and announcement services available.

18) Fix up damaged property--work deal with bank--example: as is it's worth $75,000, with clean up and fix up its worth 100,000--bank offers 75,000 mortgage based on future value--you have to do fix up--similar to sweat equity.

19) Lease property (ie an office building) from owner and sub lease it to tennants--must be very legal and usually needs strong rent up effort!

20) Pay someone to cosign for a loan

21) Get realtor to carry his commission as a note--they HATE this, but if its needed..

22) Balloon payment--nothing down, balance due in three years

23)Private money from mortgage brokers--ask them about it! High rate of interest, but..

24) Refinance property either before you assume it, or after

25) Find a partner where he takes writeoff for negative cash flow and you manage property--this can even work with buying your personal residence--investor is happy with $200 per month negative cash flow in return for your taking care of property, always a tennant (you) and investor splits profit when selling.

That's going to be enough to start some gears running in your head. The most important part is to keep trying, and to be creative. Combining parts of one idea and another, and always probing for what the seller wants will lead you to solutions. Always probe for ways to make both of you happy. Everyone wants all cash, right now--not everyone gets it! Think of the junker car in the back yard and look for ways to HELP the other person--they want to sell!

Most of all, keep looking! It is not a failure on your part if someone is clinging to the hope that they'll get a certain price, or certain terms. If they can-great!! If not, check back in a few months. Many properties are still sitting there and with a MUCH more receptive seller after they have the property "sitting in their backyard, rusting" (or racking up negative cash flow and maintenance and property management headaches). Try and try again!

Check online for new info and more opportunities, network with other investors, ads can be used to signal what you are looking to find, partners wanted, etc. Go to your public library for more real estate and business information. Keep your mind working and searching--keep looking for properties and more information--one idea can be worth a fortune to you --go to seminars when they come to your town--and the total adds up to the "Eureka!" screamed in the middle of the night.

Buying with a low down payment is obviously much easier than buying with absolutely nothing down, so be sure to save up your money to make it easier for you. Even a no money down deal can require cash for legal fees, closing costs, etc.

Best of luck!

Andrew Larder

Creative Real Estate Investing With Low Or No Money Down

To receive free info on no or low money down real estate investing, visit: Free Creative Real Estate Investing Newsletter

Structural Systems

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Is Canada a Friend of America?

I first pondered this question about a year ago. At that time I concluded that Canada was not our friend. At that time Canada had been governed by the Liberal party for about eleven years. It had been governed by Prime Minister Jean Chretien and then Paul Martin. Both Prime Ministers were extremely anti-American. In fact many Canadians were anti-American. Both Prime Ministers increased their popularity by spreading words of hatred against America.

It's funny what a difference a year can make. Canadians showed their support of America this past summer by offering their assistance to the relief effort for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I believe that this act of kindness showed that Canadians can be supportive of this great country.

Then a week ago Canadians went to the polls and elected a new government. They tossed out the old garbage of the Liberal party and elected an old favorite, the Conservative party.

Now Canada is in the right hands. In one of the first acts of friendship toward America in a decade and a half, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper extended an olive branch to the Bush Administration. Harper has pledged to rebuild ties with the United States. While these steps are positive ones in rebuilding ties with the United States, I have skepticism that there will be a real difference between Harper and previous Prime Ministers.

The Conservative party won the election with a minority government. This means that they will be hard pressed to do govern the way they want. Many Canadians are anti-American and see any form of friendship with the U.S. as selling out Canada to the evil empire. So while Harper may want to rebuild ties with America, his hands may be tied and he may fear retribution by the Canadian public.

I do think that Harper is moving in the right direction. I'm not willing to call Canada a friend of the U.S. at this time. It's not an enemy either. Canada is more like an acquaintance. Canada has a decade and a half of hatred toward America. Canada has tried to butt heads with this awesome country and I've been sickened by my fellow Canadians and their horrible actions toward the United States.

The only way that I believe Canada can be called a friend of America is if the Canadian public shows support for Stephen Harper and his willingness to befriend America. Canadians have to view Harpers willingness to befriend America as showing that he is a strong and capable leader. Canadians will have to reward Harper in the polls. This would show Harper that he can be a successful Prime Minister if he supports the United States. We'll have to see what happens.

Anthony B. is the founder and owner of a news, political and sports commentary website.

Anthony has over 7 years of experience as a business professional.

Eight Foot Wide Window With Stain

How To Find The Best Golf Gifts For The Women Golfers In Your Life

When you wonder about golf gifts for women, you may be thinking what kind of things just a women golfer might need that she doesnt already have. It may be a surprise to some, but the best golf gifts that you can give are the ones they can use on the course. There are many golf gifts for women that are made just for women, to be used on the course.

Some of the most useful types of gifts for women to use on the course could be as simple as tees, balls, golfing gloves and other small items that are useful that you can stuff into a smaller bag. You can look at these types of gifts as a golf basket instead of a gift basket. Items like these placed in a small bag are items that a women can use on the course so she doesnt have to worry about looking for them when she needs them.

Although the most of women want to wear visors and caps, almost every woman wears a cap at some time on the course. Which makes a cap a good idea for a golf gift? The best type of cap to get is one with a soft bill, so that it can better fit women around the face area and so she can keep the sun out of her face while she is playing.

Also another great golf gift for women is a feminine time watch. As you may have already known if you are a golfer yourself, is that women dont wear watches on the course because it can tend to throw off their swing while playing, which is why time pieces make very good gifts for women on the course.

More great golf gifts for women can be light clothing so they can be less sweaty on the course and can swing better. There are many custom cut and light clothing products just for women to wear on the course. There are even matching pairs of clothing for men and women which would make a great gift for a couple who loves to golf.

Like the sport of golf, there is a wide market for golf gifts for women. All these gifts are wide in variety and all can be a gift for a women golfer. Even if you may think she already has it get something like it and make sure she can use it on the course. Remember all gifts that she can use on the course are the best golf gifts of all. If you dont try then you dont succeed so just try and make it special for her when you try and buy something that will help here. Anything that will help her on the course she will most greatly appreciate.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about golf as well as golf gifts at

Fallbrook Contractors

How to Replace a Circuit Breaker

It is always a good idea to have each circuit breaker clearly labeled. This prevents confusion and frustration in the event that one needs to be reset or replaced. You can begin labeling the circuits by turning them off and on to see which appliance it is connected to. Circuit breakers consist of the main power supply to your home as well as individual circuits for appliances within your home.

Learning how to replace a circuit breaker or install a new circuit breaker is a little more complicated than merely resetting a tripped breaker. Firstly, you should purchase a new circuit breaker from a home improvement or hardware store. Before installing a circuit breaker you should turn the main power breaker off to shut down power to the entire house.

You can remove the gray circuit breaker panel by unscrewing the faceplate. You will see two wires on the side of the breaker; be careful to remember what position each wire is in as you remove the panel. You can use a wire nut to hold and bend back the wire that you will use later on. Repeat this process for both the white and colored wires. After removing the old breaker box simply reinstall the new circuit breaker box and replace the wires in the same manner in which they were previously installed.

Installing a circuit breaker box is a seemingly simple task. Even if you are not technically inclined, you should still be able to perform this task. If, however, you are uncomfortable in dealing with electrical issues, it might be wise to consult with an electrician. All electricians know how to replace a circuit breaker and it is not very time consuming for them, and so it should not be expensive for you, and might save you some unnecessary frustration.

Circuit Breakers Info provides detailed information about circuit breaker panels, circuit breaker manufacturers, plus advice on how to replace and install circuit breakers and where to buy used and surplus circuit breakers. Circuit Breakers Info is the sister site of Electricians Web.

Fallbrook Contractors

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Aging and Disabled Family Pets

If you have ever cared for a disabled, injured or sick dog, you know the heartbreak of seeing them struggle in pain while they continually to try to please you. In the case of an aging dog, their condition seems to go in cycles. They struggle and then they snap back for a while. Our family had a beautiful and gentle collie mix named Sadie. As she got older, she began to have noticeable difficulty due to joint problems. At first it was difficult getting up and down from a lying position. Then getting up stairs was a challenge. Ultimately the long walks got shorter.

Initially we accepted it and assumed it was part of the aging process and simply tried to accommodate her with a softer bed, fewer stairs and shorter walks. When we went to our vet for advice and he recommended that we supplement her diet with a high-quality antioxidant supplement. This worked great and she was back to her old self. Finally about three years later we began to see the same problems reappear. This time our vet added a prescription medication that we used in conjunction with the antioxidant.

Once again she got better but her condition got the best of her. She still got around but with great difficulty. We wanted to help her so we got creative and fashioned assistive devices out of household items and building materials. These included a make shift sling to help get her into the car and a ramp to help her get in and out the back door. She suffered into her old age with grace and dignity and always seemed grateful for our attempts to make her life happy, fun and less painful. For many other dogs with even more severe disabilities there are commercially made products to help you with the challenge of assisting them with issues of comfort and mobility as long as possible.

Ways to help your pet may include a sling to help them get up. Be sure to never try to lift (suspend) a dog using a sling around their middle. They need to be cradled when you lift them. However you can use the sling to help them use their own strength to make things easier. You can also fashion a smaller sling or harness to be used to assist them in walking. This sling is placed around them in front of the rear legs. If you are not feeling creative there are many websites that offer quality products that can do the job such as

For some owners and their dogs, there are even greater challenges. Some family pets have suffered an injury or illness that has left them unable to walk. For these situations there are doggie wheelchairs. Most of the time when dogs use these devices, they drag their paws and need to wear protection on their feet. Again, these can be homemade or they can be purchased. There are many choices and you will need to closely evaluate your dogs specific need and wear pattern that is created when they drag their paws. Dogs actually adjust remarkably well to these assistive measures once they discover their new found mobility.

Whatever your dogs needs are, they appreciate your gentle concern and encouragement. If your pet is beginning to have signs of limited mobility, please seek the help of your veterinarian. There are wonderful, healthy, holistic products on the market that can help. Many products can be found on that can even help in preventing discomfort and disease progression. Dont simply assume that their symptoms are a part of the aging process. They probably have many pain-free years ahead of them with the right intervention and nutritional supplements.

Enjoy your time together!

Laurie Ritchey writes articles about all natural dog care. She is usually busy spoiling her wheaten terrier, Niko, but loves doing research on pet health that might be able to help others. Her favorite dog toys, treats and supplements can be found on her website at

Energy Efficient Skylight
Polycarbonate Skylights

Losing Weight the Couch Potato Way

If you hate exercise, love sitting on the couch watching football games or soap operas and yelling the answers to game show questions, but know that you need to lose weight and get healthier you might want to try Losing Weight and getting fit The Couch Potato Way.

The Couch Potato no longer needs to feel embarrassed by the title. This program will cause thousands of people to claim their spot on the couch next to other family members. The one change will be that more family members will fit on the same couch!

Couch Potatoes generally have some things in common. They tend to have self-sabotaging habits that prevent them from reaching their weight loss and fitness goals.

Losing Weight and getting fit The Couch Potato Way game plan:


1. Put on your most comfortable Couch Potato clothing. Be sure that you do not have anything tight around your waist or arms. Take your shoes off. No shoes on the coffee table. Get your Remote Control and get comfortable. Scared yet? LEAVE THE TELEPHONE IN ANOTHER ROOM.

2. OOOPS, Get up because you forgot your snacks. So, don't call out for your spouse or your children or your roommate to get your snacks. GET UP and go to the kitchen now. You can dance into the kitchen...move your arms, sing a tune, be happy you are going to get a snack! So, choose your snack. The only thing you MUST include with whatever snack you choose is a variety of of raw veggies with NO FAT dressing. So, chop up some celery, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, whatever you would enjoy. Now, get some LOW FAT (no transfat) Tortilla Chips or other Baked Chips. make a bowl of tomato -based Taco Dip or salsa, or use store bought. Try the one that is MILD or HOT. These foods will help you BURN CALORIES. It has been proven that Cayenne Pepper (red pepper) contains thermogenic properties that will stimulate your metabolism.

3. Bring the snacks into your TV room. Carry one tray at a time. So that means you might have to walk back to the kitchen three times. You will do it, why? Because you are excited about what you are about to watch on TV, AND because NO ONE KNOWS you are on the Couch Potato Fitness Plan.

4. Next, get comfortable again. forgot your beverage. GET UP and go to the kitchen (you can't call anyone to get things for you) pour yourself a nice tall glass of your favorite beverage. Also, pour a tall glass of ice water. Carry your favorite beverage in first. Walk back to the kitchen to get your water.

5. Now sit down on the couch and get yourself settled in for the show, whatever it is. Make yourself a deal now. EACH time there is a commercial break, or your team scores a point, you must stand up and do some "move." Like a victory dance!

You must get INVOLVED as though you were actually sitting at the game and everyone around you is jumping up when they are excited about a play. If you can't get up, then you must do special arm movements during the commercial. While sitting down you just pick up each foot and run while sitting. It's easy, just lift one foot and then the other and allow yourself to run in place, only you are sitting not standing! EASY!!

6. When you reach for your chips or your glass you MUST take a sip or a bite and then PUT THE food or GLASS DOWN. REACH out and pick it up AGAIN and take another sip/bite. Each time you reach for anything and eat or drink you MUST PUT IT BACK DOWN. EASY enough?!

7. OKAY, commercial your dance and then walk to the bathroom to urinate! You'll have plenty of time to get back before the next part of the show. Commercials generally run at least 3 minutes a segment.

8. Do you get it yet? You are making extra trips, extra movements, drinking more water, more fluid, eating foods that help burn calories and having fun! So, GET UP again and go make a phone call from another room. Call someone who knows about your Couch Potato Fitness Plan. Stay on the phone no more than one to two minutes and say, "Gotta go, my program/game is starting. I'll call you back."

9. Get settled on the couch again, or the chair if you are on the computer. While you are watching your program start to move your legs, Just keep your feet on the floor and move your legs, sway them, tap your hands on your legs and MOVE to the movement of whatever you are watching. GET INVOLVED!! This will be like virtual football. "The quarter back goes back, back, cocks his arm to throw...sees the Tight End in the end zone and wham...lets one sail!" Stand up and watch as your throw either hits the hands of your receiver or it misses. PRETEND THAT QUARTER BACK IS YOU...OR PRETEND THAT YOU ARE A RUNNING BACK, THE COACH, WHOMEVER GETS YOU EXCITED ABOUT THE GAME.

10. Reach for a snack. CHEW 22 times. Reach again, repeat! Don't forget to drink WATER (iced water) in between snacks. Now REACH FOR a celery stick and take a bite. DELICIOUS!


12. Your regular day should consist of MORE STEPS. So, take the stairs at the office. Park your car further away and walk the extra 30-40 yards. NO ONE will know that you are doing the COUCH POTATO WORK OUT. No one will have to know that you are getting healthier. NO GYMS, NO MACHINES, NONE OF THAT! You are going to surprise everyone as the pounds just start falling away. Why? Because no one knows you are working out, no one will tease you about your program. No one needs to know except for one or two support people in the family or a close friend.

13. In a store, walk EVERY AISLE, even though you may know where the product is that you want. Takes about fifteen minutes to walk up and down every aisle with a shopping cart, even longer depending upon the store. So ENJOY EVERY TRIP YOU TAKE...

14. Sing a song that you love in your mind, or wear HEADPHONES. (Listening to either a tape or the radio) That alone CHANGES YOUR MENTAL ATTITUDE. NO ONE IS TELLING YOU TO WORK OUT OR LOSE WEIGHT...YOU are in control and the weight will begin to fall off. Why? Because you are giving yourself permission to be healthier!

15. HOUSE the same thing. Make a mental note to go up the stairs or out to the garage MORE THAN ONE TIME for things that you will need. THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF convenience planning. YOU ARE PLANNING to get well, not create a life with everything at your fingertips. During the summer you can even mow the lawn while you listen to your favorite game on your headphones. You can wash dishes, do the laundry or any other household chore with your headphones on listening to great music or your favorite show.

16. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR SPOUSE/LOVED ONES doing something you all enjoyl COOKING! Make it like a game. Everyone has to make one part of the meal. Do the DANCE of SUCCESS because you are all ready healthier than you were one week ago. And don't forget your WATER BOTTLE. Take water with you every where you go. It is time now to add one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to your water bottle. Apple Cider Vinegar acts like a rotter-rooter for fat in the body. Drinking this mixture (you can add a little honey too if you'd like) can help you lose inches off of your waistline.

17. DON"T ask for help from colleagues/secretaries when you know you can walk to the copy room yourself and make the copies. Don't ask family members to run down to the basement to get you something, THIS IS YOUR time to silently GET FIT! So, show off FOR YOURSELF. I'll bet your pants are loose all ready, you have a little more energy. You probably don't think about food as often, but YOU DO THINK ABOUT ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS THAT YOU ENJOY! That's the fun of this program. ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY LIFE! You are reprogramming yourself.

18. Couch Potatoes THINK that they have to LIVE UP to their label, so they are often afraid to lose weight. Everyone that knows you might see you as the FAT person, the LAZY person. NO MORE OF THAT! YOU CAN BE A THIN COUCH POTATO ...don't you have friends who are fit and who still watch football, basketball, hockey, baseball, soccer, game shows, soap operas, etc.? Sure you do! You do know people who are thin, who eat a little "junk" food, who drink some soda, beer, or wine and still look great.

19. Next, GET YOURSELF A SMALL TAPE RECORDER (or a small pocket notebook). I want you to make your own Positive- SELF HELP TAPE (or pocket full of positives) booklet. Here's all you do: Record the following types of phrases into the tape recorder and when you are finished, you will listen to this tape privately with your headphones whenever you are going to participate in a passive activity, or one that you would be safe listening to music while doing. You are going to be a hypnotist for yourself. This is really a form of self-hypnosis and it WORKS! (I've used this technique with professional bowlers and other sports figures. They take themselves through the correct form for their sport and it helps retrain the expectation portion of your thought system. You will BEGIN TO EXPECT GREAT THINGS AND THEY WILL HAPPEN!)

"I LOVE MYSELF! I like everything about myself. I enjoy living my secret Couch Potato Fitness Plan. It makes me feel good. Every day in every way I am getting healthier. I am shrinking and my clothes are getting big on me. I LOVE the feeling of getting well. I LOVE that I AM DOING IT ALL BY MYSELF. I enjoy music, I enjoy participating in life. I am getting healthier than my wildest dreams! I am I am I am!! I take more steps today than I did yesterday, and I LOVE IT! I love motion as much as I love sitting down watching my favorite things on TV. My energy is contagious! I am getting better and better looking every day! I am writing a list of things I want to accomplish daily. I LOVE accomplishing the things on my list! It makes me feel good. No one needs to know what is on my list. Everyone around me is beginning to think I look great! Because I DO LOOK BETTER AND BETTER EVERY DAY! Everyone wants to know my secret. When I accomplish my weight and fitness goals I WILL SHARE MY COUCH POTATO FITNESS PROGRAM WITH THEM!! I give myself a mental hug because I DESERVE IT! WAY TO GO_________(say your name). I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!"

20. Now take the Couch Potato Plan and expand it into other areas of your life. KEEP YOUR DESIRES to YOURSELF. You can share your success AFTER YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS! Change the tape as you want to accomplish other things in your life.

These are the 20 steps to living a wonderful Couch Potato Fitness life! YOU CAN DO IT!! NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW....JUST YOU! So, fellow Couch Potatoes sit down and GET FIT!!

Wishing you all much success! You can write to me and visit me at


Janet Angel, PhD is an expert in wellness and psychology with over 22 years in private counseling. She has helped thousands of people achieve their personal and professional goals using various self-improvement tools. She is an accomplished author, and guest on TV and Radio programs who speaks about the Power Within You to create the life that you really desire. To learn more about getting well physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, visit and sign up for her free Newsletter and upcoming seminars.

Bathroom Vanities Sinks
Bathroom Accessories In Lavender

Caring For Your Senior Dog: Top 10 Tips To Help Your Arthritic Dog

Dog arthritis is one of the most common diseases that affect canines, especially large breed dogs (60-90 lbs). Just as human arthritis, dog arthritis tends to get worse with age

Here are 10 tips that may help your arthritic dog:

1. Slip-free Flooring. Hardwood and tile floors are slippery and can be very difficult for dogs with arthritis to move around. Placing carpet or area rugs will help secure your dog's footing. This can help prevent your dog from slipping and getting injured.

2. A Soft Bed. Soft bedding can help support your dog's bones and joints and make your pet more comfortable. This can be especially important in thin dogs in which bony prominences are likely to rub on hard surfaces. Some beds are made especially for dogs with arthritis, such as waterbeds, hammock beds, and beds with plenty of extra cushion.

3. Ramps or Cubes. Stairs and furniture can become difficult obstacles for your aging companion. Ramps or specially designed cubes can help pets safely climb stairs, get into or out of bed or get in and out of your vehicle. Ramps can be made of plastic or wood and are available from many pet catalogs. A new product called "Puppy Stairs" are soft modular cubes that fit together in combinations that permit pets to climb up or down from beds or sofas. These cubes are made of soft rubber, have rounded corners and washable covers.

4. Medication. Various medications are available that can help your dog feel better. Medications include drugs such as Deramaxx, Rimadyl or Etogesic. These drugs are classified as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and work to suppress inflammation and pain. Other medications such as Cosequin can also be beneficial by providing your dog's body with necessary nutrients for cartilage repair and function. See your veterinarian to discuss if any of these medications could benefit your dog.

5. Peace & Quiet. As your dog ages, he may not be as tolerant or patient as he used to be. Sore joints make it difficult for your pet to enjoy rambunctious playful children. Supervise playtime and consider keeping your dog away from very young children. Even parties and holiday time can be distressing for an arthritic dog. Your dog may want to join in the festivities regardless of the discomfort. To reduce joint pain and inflammation, you may want to limit your arthritic dog's time as the center of attention.

6. Massage. By massaging your dog, you can increase his or her flexibility, circulation, calmness and a general sense of wellness. Professional animal massage therapists are available to provide your pet a more thorough treatment.

7. Weight Control and Dietary Therapy. Arthritis is more of a problem in obese pets. Weight loss can be beneficial by reducing the workload on your dog's bones and joints. In addition to basic weight loss, there are diets formulated for dogs with arthritis that may be beneficial for your dog. Diets, such as Hills Science Diet j/d and Purina JM Joint Mobility have been shown to help dogs with arthritis maintain weight, reduce pain and improve mobility.

8. Exercise. Modest daily exercise can help some dogs. Special care is needed, so it is important to first see your veterinarian, who can recommend an appropriate exercise program. Exercise can strengthen your dog's muscles and ligaments thus reducing your dog's injury potential and risk.

9. Extra Time. Don't rush a dog with arthritis. It often takes them extra time to walk, climb stairs or get in and out of the car. Support and help your arthritic dog if needed or just give your pet the extra time to get around.

10. Grooming. Grooming should not be neglected, especially in the older dog. Arthritic dogs have a difficult time keeping themselves clean, especially in those hard to reach areas. Help your dog stay clean by trimming the hair around the rear end. Brushing will help remove mats and tangles, which can injure delicate older skin. Follow these top 10 tips, and you'll be able to keep your arthritic dog living longer, stronger, happier and healthier.

About the Author:
With her columns, Dog safety and health expert, Dr. Debra Primovic has helped thousands of dog owners keep their dogs living longer and stronger. For more information, check out for 8,000+ veterinarian approved articles guaranteed to keep you from compromising the care of your dog.

Fallbrook Organizing
House Mold Problems

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Above Ground Pools - Make an Informed Choice

Nothing is more fun and inviting than a backyard pool. Beating the summer heat with family and friends is one of summertimes biggest pleasures. With the huge popularity of above ground swimming pools this major backyard water feature is not only fun but affordable.

Getting the right pool for your home and budget can be a daunting affair. So many choices and such odd terminology; hopper bottom, skimmer, return lines, cove etc. Its not really that hard to cut through the noise and find the above ground pool thats right for you.

Above ground pools come in two shapes; round and oval. These shapes are available in a number of sizes that most manufacturers sell. The most popular size is the 24 ft. round pool but round pools are available in diameters from 12 ft. to 33 ft. Oval pools usually start in the 12 ft. by 20-24 ft. size and get as large as 21 ft. x 41 ft. The area for your pool and your budget will combine to suggest the size that will work best. The ideal pool location will get at least 6-8 hours of sun during the summer and should be as flat and unobstructed as possible. Trees in particular can be troublesome if too close to a pool. Power lines or telephone poles are right out! Keep in mind that many oval pools have side supports or buttresses that can jut out as much as 2-3 feet from the base of the pool. Some newer oval designs have done away with buttresses that allows oval pools to go where ovals have never gone before.

Above ground pools are nearly always made of either steel or resin/plastic. Steel pools have been around for more than 40 years. Resin pools are relative newcomers. Corrosion is always a problem with steel pools and resin pools definitely will not rust. Resin pools generally cost more but industry figures put the average life span of an above ground pool at between 4 and 5 years. Rust may not be a factor! The choice is yours. Pools have gotten deeper in recent years. The standard 48 inch high pool is now overtopped by 52 inch and even 54 inch tall models.

To hold water, your pool needs a vinyl liner. There is a large selection of patterns from simple blue to exotic looking tile motifs and even a liner that mimics a tropical reef complete with fish and coral! Most pool packages are sold with an overlap style liner. These liners wrap over the top of the pool wall and cling to the outside of the pool. The liner is held in place by the top rail. You will also see beaded liners. These snap into a thin receiving strip just under the top rail on the inside of the pool and eliminate the overlap. Beaded liners tend to be an upgrade and cost more but they are usually a heavier, 25 gauge vinyl rather than the 20 gauge common in overlap liners.

The most important purchase after the pool itself is the filtration system. If you make an informed choice your pool will run cleaner and be less work. Sand and cartridge filters are the usual choices available for above ground pools. Each has advantages and drawbacks. Filter sand is inexpensive but if neglected can turn nasty and sand filters are a chore to clean and re-fill. Cartridge filters require less maintenance but cartridges do wear out and can cost over $200.00 to replace.

The heart of any pool filtration system is the pump. A good pump, properly matched to the size of your pool will give many years of dependable service. Dont buy too much power. Pools need to have clean filtered water not imitate Old Faithful. Most above and many in-ground pools work well with no more than a 1 hp. pump and motor combination. Small to mid-size above ground pools do well with hp units. Proper pump sizing will use less electricity and less wear on hoses and filters.

Rob Coxworth

The author has over twenty years of experience in the swimming pool industry as a salesmen and CEO. Mr. Coxworth currently operates Webfoot, a website specializing in pools, supplies and equipment. Mr. Coxworth offers free pool advice as Dr.Duck.

Eight Foot Wide Window With Stain

How Could You Benefit From Using Wood Railings

If you want to add something great to change the aesthetics of your garden, the stairway or the porch area, then wooden railings are certainly the way to go. Wooden railings are a great way to add personality and they can help to add value to your home at the same time.

Why would you Choose Wooden Railings?

If your stairs are looking completely bare, have a look into wood railings because it can help to add personality instantly. Wood is a popular choice, not just for indoors, but outside too. The great thing is that it can be used for a multitude of purposes. You can paint wood, sand it, refinish it and basically have it any way that you like. You may keep it the same for many years, but then maybe paint it a different color for a bit of a change. With most types of railings you are not able to repaint them to a different color and that is why wood is often a good choice for railings.

There is nothing more impressive than good quality wood railings in any home. If they have been installed and if they are looked after properly, there is no reason why they cannot last a lifetime.

You can even make your own wooden railings if you have the creativity and know how. If you need some inspiration then you will find an influx of information on the internet or in home improvement programs and magazines. You may want to research what type of wood would best suit your home as different types have a different appearance.

Also, you may want to research into how to care for your wooden railings to ensure that they look great for as long as possible. If you are using wooden railings outside then they will obviously need more care and treatment than what they would indoors. By being clued up, you get a chance to look after the railings without letting them rot or waste away.

So, if you would like to add personality and character to your home, garden or patio area, then wooden railings are certainly something that you should take into consideration. There are many great benefits to using wood for your railings over other materials, but you will need to treat them in certain circumstance. Just do your research and you will not have any trouble looking after your railings.

Adam Peters is the editor of . You can find more information and resources on wooden railings at his website.

Fallbrook Contractors

Building Muscle

Are you trying to add lean muscle mass? Confused by all of the muscle building systems out there? Which system will work the best for you? There is High Intensity, Heavy Duty, Power Partials, Static Contractions, X-Reps, X-Size (different from X-Reps), High Volume, Pyramid, Twenty Rep Squats, Central Nervous System(CNS), my own Quick Hammer Routine, and many, many more to choose from. So, which one should you try? Why not take the best points out of each system and use them all? Obviously, you cannot do some of each of these systems, each and every workout.

What I like to do is take my basic, high intensity routine and add something to the end of the set. Although I really don't use high volume, and I only occasionally play around with X-Size, I like to use parts of these other systems on a regular basis. Again, I start with a normal high intensity routine where I might do one set of one to three exercises for a bodypart. I will then add one, or a combination of more than one of some of these other rep styles to my set. For instance, if I am doing bent rowing, I do as many normal repetitions with a heavy weight as I can.

One I reach failure, I will do as many partials as I can. If this has not completely wiped me out, I will throw in a static hold, or an X-Rep for 5-10 seconds at the end. Static holds are like an Isometric rep. You hold the weight in a contracted position for a few seconds. An X-Rep is much like a Static Rep, except you kind of pulsate the weight as if your contracted muscles are vibrating. Again, I will do one of these reps for about 5-10 seconds. I cannot tell you which of these two hold reps work's best, but they both really do work.

Now, if I am doing the benchpress, I prefer Pyramids over a single set. I feel much safer going up fifty pounds each set to get my mind and my muscles prepared for the heavy benchpress. At the end of my heavy set, I will do a Static Rep for around 10 seconds to really push the pecs. Squats are a bit different because I have a really bad right knee. The only way I will do a Full squat is with a very light weight while warming up. When I start going heavy, I do Only Power Partials.

Again, like the benchpress, I prefer to Pyramid the weight up to get my body ready for the heavy weight. I also rarely do less than twenty reps on squats. Even if I am doing 400lbs, I will do 20 reps. It is amazing about the legs, but no matter how hard you push them, they seem to always finish the set! At the end of the set, I will do a Static Hold for 10-15 seconds. I do Static Holds, or X-Reps on pretty much all of my other exercises including Curls and Triceps Dips.

I purchased Pete Sisco's CNS Workout last year and I will use it from time to time. The idea behind it is to hammer the body in a quick, high intensity way to get a massive response from your central nervous system. I don't use it regularly, but it is a very good system and I use it when I think the time is right. Another routine I like is my Quick Hammer Routine. It is ideal for people who want to build mass, but are very short on time. It work's the major muscles of the body in a brief, ten minute workout. In this case, you pick one exercise for the chest, back and legs. You do the three exercises one after the other in circuit training style, with the exception that you are using heavy weights and lower reps. you perform three cycles of the exercises, wit about a minutes rest between cycles.

If you are going to use this routine for an extended period of time, you can throw in some crunches for the abs. I like doing the routine with dips, bent rows and squats, but you can also use benchpress, chins and leg presses, or any other combination you choose. You just need to make sure you are using compound exercises so you are hitting the other muscles along with your legs, back and chest.

Another thing I will do to add strength, is to do two or three weeks of Static Contraction workouts from time to time. Instead of doing the Static Holds at the end of your set with a weight that you can do a normal repetition with, you use a weight which is actually too heavy for you to perform a full rep with. You really need a power rack or smith machine for these, as you are handling extremely heavy weights and I would not like to depend on someone else to keep this weight off of me. Let's use the benchpress for our example. You set the bar about four to six inches from full extension.

Now, load the weight on the bar. I mean, really load the weight on the bar! I can bench about 330lbs, but at the end of my last Static Contraction cycle, I was doing a ten second static hold with 450lbs! The theory is that you can handle much more weight when you lift in your strongest range of motion. When you lift such an incredibly heavy weight in this range, you incorporate so many more muscle fibres, spurring rapid growth and strength gains. I can personally vouch for the strength gains. I do not have the patience to stick with this system long enough to test the mass gains. I change routines on a regular basis to avoid going stale. The routine I use most of the time is something I picked up from Dorians Yates book, "Blood and Guts", and made my own adjustments to it. I work chest and triceps in one workout, back and biceps in workout two, then Legs and shoulders in workout three.

I will perform crunches every other workout. I work each muscle a maximum of once per week, with the obvious exception of abdominals which get worked one or two times per week.

On Chest day, I pyramid the benchpress for my chest, then perform a hard set of parallel triceps dips to finish off my triceps. On back day, I do a set of deadlifts, a set of bent rowing after a lighter warm-up set, a set of chins and a set of barbell curls.

On leg day, I pyramid squats, usually performing twenty rep sets, a set of military presses and a set of dumbell side laterals.

This routine seem's to work the very best for me. You should experiment to find what work's the best for yourself.

For diet and nutrition, I like a diet that is simple enough for you to stick to for life. If it is too restrictive, you will fall off the wagon and usually go nuts on everything until you have gained back everything you lost and more! Restrictive diets also eat up alot of your valuable lean muscle tissue. What then happen's, is you start out weighing 200lbs with around a 23% bodyfat percentage. When you fall off of your diet, you have catabolized muscle mass with the fat you lost, so when you balloon back up to 200lbs, your bodyfat percentage is now around 26% or more. Now you weigh the same as you did before the diet, but you look worse! Eat smart, train and rest.

I don't recommend low carb diets unless you have alot of weight to lose. Then, I would use it in stages to break away at the fat a bit at a time, while cycling back to a more normal diet of complex carbs, protein and essential fats. Be sure to get a good protein/ carb meal or shake immediately after your training to quickly replenish your muscle protein and energy. Eat five or six small meals per day to get the most nutrients from the food, while storing less of the calories as fat.

Rest is very important for muscle growth. Your muscles do not grow while you are training. They grow while you are at rest. So if you have been training and eating well, and you are not making decent gains, you may not be getting enough rest to allow full recovery of your muscles.

I am a fitness consultant in St. Louis, Mo. I answer training questions via my website at:

Fallbrook Contractors

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Building Muscle

Are you trying to add lean muscle mass? Confused by all of the muscle building systems out there? Which system will work the best for you? There is High Intensity, Heavy Duty, Power Partials, Static Contractions, X-Reps, X-Size (different from X-Reps), High Volume, Pyramid, Twenty Rep Squats, Central Nervous System(CNS), my own Quick Hammer Routine, and many, many more to choose from. So, which one should you try? Why not take the best points out of each system and use them all? Obviously, you cannot do some of each of these systems, each and every workout.

What I like to do is take my basic, high intensity routine and add something to the end of the set. Although I really don't use high volume, and I only occasionally play around with X-Size, I like to use parts of these other systems on a regular basis. Again, I start with a normal high intensity routine where I might do one set of one to three exercises for a bodypart. I will then add one, or a combination of more than one of some of these other rep styles to my set. For instance, if I am doing bent rowing, I do as many normal repetitions with a heavy weight as I can.

One I reach failure, I will do as many partials as I can. If this has not completely wiped me out, I will throw in a static hold, or an X-Rep for 5-10 seconds at the end. Static holds are like an Isometric rep. You hold the weight in a contracted position for a few seconds. An X-Rep is much like a Static Rep, except you kind of pulsate the weight as if your contracted muscles are vibrating. Again, I will do one of these reps for about 5-10 seconds. I cannot tell you which of these two hold reps work's best, but they both really do work.

Now, if I am doing the benchpress, I prefer Pyramids over a single set. I feel much safer going up fifty pounds each set to get my mind and my muscles prepared for the heavy benchpress. At the end of my heavy set, I will do a Static Rep for around 10 seconds to really push the pecs. Squats are a bit different because I have a really bad right knee. The only way I will do a Full squat is with a very light weight while warming up. When I start going heavy, I do Only Power Partials.

Again, like the benchpress, I prefer to Pyramid the weight up to get my body ready for the heavy weight. I also rarely do less than twenty reps on squats. Even if I am doing 400lbs, I will do 20 reps. It is amazing about the legs, but no matter how hard you push them, they seem to always finish the set! At the end of the set, I will do a Static Hold for 10-15 seconds. I do Static Holds, or X-Reps on pretty much all of my other exercises including Curls and Triceps Dips.

I purchased Pete Sisco's CNS Workout last year and I will use it from time to time. The idea behind it is to hammer the body in a quick, high intensity way to get a massive response from your central nervous system. I don't use it regularly, but it is a very good system and I use it when I think the time is right. Another routine I like is my Quick Hammer Routine. It is ideal for people who want to build mass, but are very short on time. It work's the major muscles of the body in a brief, ten minute workout. In this case, you pick one exercise for the chest, back and legs. You do the three exercises one after the other in circuit training style, with the exception that you are using heavy weights and lower reps. you perform three cycles of the exercises, wit about a minutes rest between cycles.

If you are going to use this routine for an extended period of time, you can throw in some crunches for the abs. I like doing the routine with dips, bent rows and squats, but you can also use benchpress, chins and leg presses, or any other combination you choose. You just need to make sure you are using compound exercises so you are hitting the other muscles along with your legs, back and chest.

Another thing I will do to add strength, is to do two or three weeks of Static Contraction workouts from time to time. Instead of doing the Static Holds at the end of your set with a weight that you can do a normal repetition with, you use a weight which is actually too heavy for you to perform a full rep with. You really need a power rack or smith machine for these, as you are handling extremely heavy weights and I would not like to depend on someone else to keep this weight off of me. Let's use the benchpress for our example. You set the bar about four to six inches from full extension.

Now, load the weight on the bar. I mean, really load the weight on the bar! I can bench about 330lbs, but at the end of my last Static Contraction cycle, I was doing a ten second static hold with 450lbs! The theory is that you can handle much more weight when you lift in your strongest range of motion. When you lift such an incredibly heavy weight in this range, you incorporate so many more muscle fibres, spurring rapid growth and strength gains. I can personally vouch for the strength gains. I do not have the patience to stick with this system long enough to test the mass gains. I change routines on a regular basis to avoid going stale. The routine I use most of the time is something I picked up from Dorians Yates book, "Blood and Guts", and made my own adjustments to it. I work chest and triceps in one workout, back and biceps in workout two, then Legs and shoulders in workout three.

I will perform crunches every other workout. I work each muscle a maximum of once per week, with the obvious exception of abdominals which get worked one or two times per week.

On Chest day, I pyramid the benchpress for my chest, then perform a hard set of parallel triceps dips to finish off my triceps. On back day, I do a set of deadlifts, a set of bent rowing after a lighter warm-up set, a set of chins and a set of barbell curls.

On leg day, I pyramid squats, usually performing twenty rep sets, a set of military presses and a set of dumbell side laterals.

This routine seem's to work the very best for me. You should experiment to find what work's the best for yourself.

For diet and nutrition, I like a diet that is simple enough for you to stick to for life. If it is too restrictive, you will fall off the wagon and usually go nuts on everything until you have gained back everything you lost and more! Restrictive diets also eat up alot of your valuable lean muscle tissue. What then happen's, is you start out weighing 200lbs with around a 23% bodyfat percentage. When you fall off of your diet, you have catabolized muscle mass with the fat you lost, so when you balloon back up to 200lbs, your bodyfat percentage is now around 26% or more. Now you weigh the same as you did before the diet, but you look worse! Eat smart, train and rest.

I don't recommend low carb diets unless you have alot of weight to lose. Then, I would use it in stages to break away at the fat a bit at a time, while cycling back to a more normal diet of complex carbs, protein and essential fats. Be sure to get a good protein/ carb meal or shake immediately after your training to quickly replenish your muscle protein and energy. Eat five or six small meals per day to get the most nutrients from the food, while storing less of the calories as fat.

Rest is very important for muscle growth. Your muscles do not grow while you are training. They grow while you are at rest. So if you have been training and eating well, and you are not making decent gains, you may not be getting enough rest to allow full recovery of your muscles.

I am a fitness consultant in St. Louis, Mo. I answer training questions via my website at:

Fallbrook Contractors

Buying Your First Home And Sleeping Well At Night

The real estate process of buying a home for the typical family can be a very stressful event, almost at the top of the charts. The selection of a professional agent can be a tremendous benefit as a counselor and guide to navigate you through the process with as little stress as possible. The average home buyer spends very little time interviewing and investigating agents for the role as their agent.

The first part of the home buying process for many is the desire to look at homes and not the careful selection of a real estate agent. This can be a huge mistake as the knowledge and experience level of an agent can change the outcome of the stressful process to a smooth one. Many homebuyers end up with an agent by default, what I mean by this is that the buyer has no plan of action for selecting their agent. The introduction may have been as casual as the buyer calling on an ad or attending an open house.

Of course you want to start the home buying process with a strong foundation and finding the right agent will make a big difference in the total experience. As a first time home buyer you will depend on the expertise of your agent. You will not know what to expect or when to expect it within this very challenging process.

You will want to interview several agents before you even start looking for a home. By pursuing an interview process you will also educate yourself. Here are several areas you will want to discuss with agents that you are interviewing.

1. What is the experience level of the agent? Selecting someone that has at least two years or more of experience will show they have survived the test of time and the knowledge to assist you in the home buying process.

2. What is the geographical area that they service. As an agent works in a given neighborhood they will gain additional non-real estate knowledge such as which area has better schools, less rush-hour traffic or lower crime rates.

3. Does the agent carry errors and omissions insurance? This protects them and you when there is a contractual issue or an undisclosed defect in the home. The Department of real estate doesn't require a broker to carry it, and this is not something you want to find out after closing.

4. Many agents work only on a buyer broker agreement basis, you will be asked to sign a contract for several months during which you will be obligated to work with this agent exclusively for that time period. Other agents will ask you for this agreement once they have worked with you, both parties feel it is a good relationship, and you are ready to make an offer.

5. Always ask for references. A good agent will have their references ready for you.

6. In order to serve their client as best as possible some agents have decided not to represent both a buyer and seller in the same transaction. One of the main reasons for this is that it is very difficult to be an advocate for two parties with opposite goals.

7. How does the agent select the homes that they show you? Many agents will e-mail their clients a lot of properties and let the buyer decide which homes to see, this can be a very ineffective and time consuming process in which the buyer sees many homes that do not suit their needs. The best agents will preview all of the homes on the market that fit a buyers general criteria and then show their client only the best homes. This process leads to a much more efficient and beneficial outcome for the buyer.

8. Does the agent have a close relationship with a trustworthy and knowledgeable lender? By working closely with the lender an agent will be more able to guide the process ensuring that the buyer gets the best loan program for their situation and is only looking at homes that fit their budget.

So as you can see, by methodically and strategically selecting an agent you can positively influence the outcome of your home purchase.

Co-written by Randy Nathan and James Dedolph, creators of where you can find Homes for Sale in San Diego and where you can find the best rate and terms for Homes Loans in San Diego. Both of these sites are a good resource for information about San Diego Real Estate.

House Mold Problems

Create Green-Screen & Stop-Motion Special Effects on Your PC!

With a little attention to technique, a home video can be shot on a makeshift set, then fine-tuned in your own computer postproduction studio to create near Hollywood-quality special effects.

There is one thing that can make a very big difference between having something that you use and that can help you from time to time and thee is a completely other thing which can be used from time to time but just having it will make your guests and yourself gaze and admire it, one such thing is a stone fire pit.

A stone fire pit is one of the most impressive things you can have in your garden, or in your outdoor kitchen, this unique idea has not been around for many years, but in the last few years people are more and more interested in having a stone fire pit in their garden or backyard. The stone fire pit looks like it is connected to the past, maybe a few hundreds of years ago almost every family in town had one but today it is truly a unique thing to have.

One of the great things in having a stone fire pit outside is that you will get a lot of freedom in deciding how it is going to look, and its looks is all what it’s about, the stone fire pit will be impressive no matter what why you make it when it is lit and the fire is on, the question is how would you like it to look when its off, and how would you like the stone of the fire pit to relate to your garden and garden features.

The important things to remember when looking for a stone fire pit are that you will need someone who knows how to design those, so that the fire is solid and that there is enough air flow to feed the fire so it is balanced on all sides of the stone structure, that it is safe and that you can approach the fire if you wish, some people like to get close to the fire pit in order to get warm or to fry marshmallows, either way you will need to make sure that the person in charge of building it knows what he is doing.

The basic design of a stone fire pit is almost always the same, and it is a very good opportunity for you to go wild and get whatever you had in mind, the only things you will need to consider are safety and usability of the stone structure, but other than that the stone fire pit is really about having something very impressive in your garden and that it will generate enough heat in the winter to keep you warm while you sit outside.

For those of you who are interested in something even more unique is the option to experiment with different stones and try and get all kinds of stones for the fire pit construction, this may cost a little more but it will guarantee that this will be one stone fire pit people will not forget, nevertheless, even a regular stone fire pit is something to be proud of.

Stone fire pits can be a great alternative to any major fire element in your garden or backyard, learn about Fire Pit at the firepits site

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cheap Sinks - Types of Cheap Sinks Available

Sinks is the most important accessory in any home whether it is used in the bathroom or the kitchen. It is a rarity to see a home without a sink. The popular use and the necessity of the sinks all over the world have brought down the prices of the kitchen and bathroom sinks considerably. But still it is an expensive accessory to a common man or people from a lower income group to afford a sink made from stainless steel or metal coated sinks. These people always tend to go for cheaper or discounted sinks. Finding big discounts on kitchen and bathroom sinks is now a very easy task than it was before. Now, even the most reputed shops offer huge discounts on the sinks to sustain their sales. Almost all the leading stores have put up information about the discounted prices of the sinks online and so it is very easy for the buyer to locate the one that falls within his budget.

The most common and the cheapest sinks that are available in the markets these days are the second hand ones. They are the main source for the homeowner intending to buy the cheapest sinks as he will be getting bigger discounts for the sinks. The kitchen and bathroom sinks that are marketed by these second hand dealers will be similar to that of the commercialized shops, the only difference being that it is used. These second hand sinks can be found to cheaper of 80 to 85% when compared with the rates of the brand new sinks that are available in the commercial markets. Another way to find the best deals for the sinks is to seek the guidance of the sink experts. Some of the sink experts have online sites where buyers can take a look of their credentials. Though there will a little consultation fee charged by these people, they can be able to easily guide the buyer to the store which offers the best quality of the bathroom and the kitchen sinks at the best discounted rates. This is far better than going for the second hand ones and the ones sold in the grey markets.

Buyers who are looking for cheaper sinks can also consider the option of going for the discounted components of the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Instead of buying a whole new sink, that may be costly, homeowners can save more money by locating reusable components for the sink. But, by doing this, the homeowners may require the expert guidance of the sink repairing experts or professionals. They will highlight the homeowner about the sink parts that needs to be really replaced. Also the repairing experts can help the homeowner in locating the best places where the spares or accessories for the kitchen and the bathroom sinks are available at huge discounted prices.

Also if the homeowner is intending to buy new sinks that are of the cheapest ones, then cheaper models of sinks are available in the markets these days. The most commonly available and perhaps the cheapest among the sinks is the sink made out of porcelain or vitreous china clay. The reason for it being the cheapest model is because of the ease in obtaining the material as well as the common use of this material in making kitchen and bathroom sinks. Also, these types of sinks are most commonly seen in households all over the world.

Chaep Sinks dont mean low grade sinks, learn how you can lower costs and get better sinks at

Fallbrook Contractors

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hard Drive Recovery Equipment

Today the world revolves around the computer. From homes and offices to schools, airports and hospitals, computers have become an integral and indispensable part of our daily lives.

One of the foremost uses of computers is data storage. Data stored on the computer resides on a physical memory disk known as the hard drive that is a layer of magnetic disks. As people become increasingly dependant on computers, the risk of data loss also surfaces.

Hard drive crashes are a common occurrence. They are classified into two categories -- logical and physical. While the logical aspect deals with failure of the file system and software, the physical aspect is related to some sort of electrical or shock damage to the disk. However, modern technology allows us to recover up to 80% of the lost data, thereby allaying some of the fear related to hard drive recovery.

Hard drive recovery, whether physical or logical, is a complex process and requires expert help in most cases. Special equipment and tools are necessary to carry out this process successfully. A functional computer with the necessary software is the primary equipment required for any hard drive recovery process. Data backup devices such as CD recorders, external hard drives and CD and DVD media are also used while recovering data from a damaged hard drive.

If the hard drive has suffered physical failure, proper electronic knowledge and equipment is a must. A soldering iron might prove useful when working on a damaged circuit board. Advanced tools such as magnetometers may also be used to physically extract lost bits from the magnetic media. These bits are used to rebuild a disk image.

In addition to the hands-on equipment required, certain other precautions must be taken. The hard drive, when removed, should be wrapped in anti-static material. The drive should be well cushioned to prevent further damage. Finally, the recovery process should take place in a ?Class 100 Clean Room? to avoid any contamination by dust.

Hard Drive Recovery provides detailed information on Hard Drive Recovery, Hard Drive Recovery Experts, Hard Drive Recovery Software, Hard Drive Data Recovery Services and more. Hard Drive Recovery is affiliated with Hard Drive Data Recovery.

Eight Foot Wide Window With Stain

How To Find The Best Golf Gifts For The Women Golfers In Your Life

When you wonder about golf gifts for women, you may be thinking what kind of things just a women golfer might need that she doesnt already have. It may be a surprise to some, but the best golf gifts that you can give are the ones they can use on the course. There are many golf gifts for women that are made just for women, to be used on the course.

Some of the most useful types of gifts for women to use on the course could be as simple as tees, balls, golfing gloves and other small items that are useful that you can stuff into a smaller bag. You can look at these types of gifts as a golf basket instead of a gift basket. Items like these placed in a small bag are items that a women can use on the course so she doesnt have to worry about looking for them when she needs them.

Although the most of women want to wear visors and caps, almost every woman wears a cap at some time on the course. Which makes a cap a good idea for a golf gift? The best type of cap to get is one with a soft bill, so that it can better fit women around the face area and so she can keep the sun out of her face while she is playing.

Also another great golf gift for women is a feminine time watch. As you may have already known if you are a golfer yourself, is that women dont wear watches on the course because it can tend to throw off their swing while playing, which is why time pieces make very good gifts for women on the course.

More great golf gifts for women can be light clothing so they can be less sweaty on the course and can swing better. There are many custom cut and light clothing products just for women to wear on the course. There are even matching pairs of clothing for men and women which would make a great gift for a couple who loves to golf.

Like the sport of golf, there is a wide market for golf gifts for women. All these gifts are wide in variety and all can be a gift for a women golfer. Even if you may think she already has it get something like it and make sure she can use it on the course. Remember all gifts that she can use on the course are the best golf gifts of all. If you dont try then you dont succeed so just try and make it special for her when you try and buy something that will help here. Anything that will help her on the course she will most greatly appreciate.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about golf as well as golf gifts at

Fallbrook Contractors

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Bookcase - Not Just for the Nerd Anymore

When you think of someone who owns a bookcase, or wants to pick one up for their home, you may think that this person could be the biggest nerd on the planet. Seriously, who else other than a bookworm would need one? Actually, a bookcase can be for everyone. They are multi-purpose, decorative pieces that can enhance the ambiance of any home or office. And just in case you don't look smart already (despite your 4.0 GPA), having one really helps.

So if you don't read all that often, or own that many books, why would you need a bookcase? Probably because you may choose to place anything you want in them. They are the great place to show off your sports trophies during that amazing season in college football. You can also place photos of your loved ones or family portraits in bookcases as well. In any case, the bookcase is the perfect piece to display and show off your memorabilia and valuables.

For those who take movies and music seriously, bookcases make a great substitute for your standard media storage center. Just imagine how many DVD's, CD's, video games, Blu Ray Discs, and VHS Tapes you can store in a bookcase.

In the office, bookcases are often used to store more than just text books. It's not uncommon to see files, folders, binders, and data CD's placed in them too.

Now you're thinking to yourself that perhaps you could use a bookcase in the home or office after all. You now realize that they may have other uses other than storing books and magazines, but you're still unsure what to look for when shopping for one. To help you out, here is a quick guide in what to look for.

Although most bookcases seem pretty standard, there are different types and styles, each with their own unique options and features. A standard bookcase may seem be a rectangular shelf and not much more to it. However, many are equipped with adjustable shelves in case you need more room for your books or whatnots at the bottom shelves, or wherever it is that tickles your fancy.

As oppose to the office, the home may benefit from a wooden bookcase, rather than one made of metal. Having one made of wood provides a vintage, romantic atmosphere in the home. Many furniture manufacturers will also design them with intricate accents for added brilliance. You may also find some with doors, and drawers for protection against the elements and added storage. However, if you need a bookcase for the office, a metal one would be an ideal choice due to its versatility.

If saving space is an issue, consider a corner bookcase. These are made specifically to fit into corners allowing you to use the floor space for other pieces of furniture such as desks, filing cabinets, credenzas, etc.

So there you have it. Bookcases aren't just for nerds anymore. If you're an athlete, use them to display your trophies. By all means, display photos of your loved ones in your bookcase. However, if you indeed read a lot and own many books, then you're probably going to need a bookcase anyway, because where else you going to keep them?

Q.M. Le currently works as a Marketing Associate at CymaxStores Inc., a premier online furniture distributor.

For more information on Bookcases, please visit


Hand Stripping Furniture

Directions for HAND Stripping.

  • Work with plenty of ventilation, safety goggles or glases, and skin protection. Stay out of the direct sun and stay protected from wind or strong drafts if working outside.

  • Work in small areas starting at the top and working to the bottom of the piece. Apply a generous coat of gel remover. Brush on in one direction. Do not brush back and forth.

  • Use soft wood scrapers and/or Steel Wool to remove crinkled finish and spent stripper.Repeat the above process until all layers of old finish are gone. On fine work, when the piece has all the finish gone and looks ready to refinish, go over it again with one last coat of stripper carefully working from top to bottom and removing stripper with Liberon #00 steel wool to ensure all traces of finish are lifted from the pores of the wood. Neutralize the wood surface by washing the piece down with Naphtha followed by Lacquer Thinner, if the piece is newer and in very good condition, a washdown with Lacquer Thinner may suffice.

  • Let the stripped piece dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours to 48 hours for softer woods or pieces that required long soaking to clean off all the finish. Refinish promptly to seal and protect from humidity changes and environmental contamination.


  • Test to see if a through cleaning with Liberon's Wood Cleaner & Wax remover might eliminate the need to totally strip and refinish the piece.

  • Use the right stripper for the finish being removed. (Determine finish type with solvents.)

  • Use solvent washable strippers or paint removers.

  • Avoid water washable removers to minimize grain raising, staining problems, and softening of glues or adhesives and the subsequent lifting of veneers and loosening of joinery.

  • Avoid Metal Scrapers of any kind, wood fibers softened from the remover are easily compressed by hard metal edges. These sometimes apparently invisible `indents' can later show up after staining or even under clear coat finishes.

  • DO NOT Sand a stripped surface. Sanding removes oxidized fibres, the natural distressing wear and ageing collectors refer to as patina. Upon refinishing uneven and splotchy effects result from the `windows' sanded into the surface. Often sanded areas of stripped wood will not take stain or finish the same as the unsanded part of the same piece. Therefore, for instance, sanding of a table leaf usually means sanding the entire top and remaining leaves. The surface was carefully prepared for the previous finish. Successful refinishing will be much easier if we disturb the wood the very least possible, in the finish removal process. If an area is badly damaged as to require sanding; proceed with care and be aware of the increased finish work that can be created by sanding. Lightly raised grain can in some cases be stained, sealed with sanding sealer, and then sanded instead of sanding on the bare wood.

  • Partially strip (on Lacquers): On some pieces a top for instance might be all that really needs to be stripped and totally refinished. Proper cleaning and touch-up of dings, dents, and blemishes on sides or underpinnings with an overfinish of the existing finish might give a very professional result. In the right instance this can be a more profitable for the finisher and offer an affordable option for the customer.

  • Use wax paper laid over the remover to slow evaporation and prolong working time. On difficult finishes and in drafty work areas each application of remover can then do more work.

  • To lift paint or finish retained in the grain of open pored timber, despite repeated applications of remover, try the following. Let the surface dry for a day, apply a liberal coat of 1 pound cut shellac & and allow to dry throughly then try a coat of remover to lift the shellac and the adhered finish out of the pores. The wax paper trick above helps here also. On hard cases repeat the shellac and remover steps above if positive results come from the first application.


Stripped surfaces are always a little more problematic than finishing on new wood. Generally Pigment Wiping Stains are the best choice for coloring on the stripped surface. Lacquer shading stains and lacquer colorants blended into sanding sealer and build coats are a good bet for color correcting. Use amber lacquer on medium to darker woods or stains to give a richer and homogeneous continuity to the piece. On very light timber and on light colors use water -white lacquer or for the very clearest non-yellowing finish use CAB-Acrylic lacquer.



Always test products in an inconspicuous place to check compatibility and end results.

Companion Materials & Supplies:

  • Safety Glasses or face shield for eye protection.

  • Heavy duty rubber stripping gloves.

  • Apron; preferably rubber or rubber coated.

  • WOODEN scrapers (NOT putty knives or metal scrapers)

  • Stripping BRUSH: stripper resistant plastic for getting into carvings and mouldig.


    • #0 or #1 for light clear finishes, #1 or #2 for paints, &

    • #3 or #4 for very heavy built up layers of finish.

  • Rags.


Do not leave impregnated rags wadded or stacked in bundles as these can burst into spontaneous fire.

Dispose of rags and waste in accordance with local regulations; or lay rags out flat preferably outside, to dry so as to avoid any fire hazard.

About The Author

Steve Hattrick Proprietor 10 years experience

Konteaki Furniture Importers

konteaki furniture

Building Your House Help

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Home Siding Material

There are numerous types of siding available for today's homes offering different advantages and/or disadvantages. Certain types of siding are more popular in some areas of the country than others, influenced largely by climate and availability of product. Price also influences the type of siding chosen by a builder or a home owner.

Types of siding available:

1. Aluminum or Vinyl Siding These siding options are available on new homes as well as often put on over older types of siding. The biggest advantage of this type of siding is that they do not require painting. The disadvantage is that aluminum siding dents and vinyl siding cracks. Vinyl siding has improved over time as the quality of vinyl improves.

2. Masonite Siding or Hardi Plank These siding options have a similar appearance but offer very different results. Masonite siding deteriorates over time and requires painting, caulking and routine upkeep. Hardi Plank (a brand name) is a similar looking product but is made of cement and therefore does not rot. It is growing in popularity and is a terrific alternative to Masonite.

3. Brick or Stone Both of these products provide an excellent siding option. They are virtually indestructible as well as attractive. They do not require the routine maintenance that other types of siding require. The biggest drawback is price, although in some areas of the country it is still very affordable.

4. Stucco Traditional stucco is made with cement and offers a solid, lasting, moisture proof siding. It is seen a great deal in Florida where the climate would require constant upkeep on other types of siding and the solid cement siding keeps the houses cooler than traditional siding.

5. Cedar Shakes For those who love the look of cedar shakes, it is an excellent alternative to Masonite siding as it requires less maintenance. When treated with stain it does not rot or peel.

6. Veneer & Synthetic Siding These siding alternatives give you the appearance of other types such as stucco or brick, but do not give you the quality or longevity.

7. Clapboard Siding that is made from solid wood is more costly than other types of siding but lasts longer and looks better than other manufactured sidings such as Masonite. It is also a product that lends itself well to stain and therefore will not peel as siding that is painted.

8. Steel and Vinyl Coatings These are becoming more and more popular. They are more expensive but are nearly indestructible thus requiring little maintenance. Vinyl Coatings are applied like paint but are much thicker. Since it is a relatively new product it is important to find a company that will apply it correctly as applying incorrectly can cause many problems.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles were previously seen as roofing material for low-slope houses. Over the years, they have been found out to be a significant roofing alternative for steep-sloped roofs as well.

Metal shingles are usually meant to look like traditional asphalt shingles, wood shakes, or tiles, but metal shingles come with a greater guarantee to ward off rough weather. Many consider these shingles to be the strongest roofing material available. Contrary to popular belief, modern technology has made metal shingles very light, and they are a feast for the eyes, and also have very high fire-resistant ratings.

These classic shingles give a building a timeless look and often come with permanent color warranties. They can be made out of a wide variety of metals like aluminum, copper, stainless steel, zinc and phosphate coating, and alloys of tin and zinc. The different metals can be suitably chosen by the prospective buyer according to his geographical location and climate.

There are other minor details that a buyer should keep in mind. Stainless steel shingles are said to weigh less than most other traditional roofing material. Metal shingles made with alloys of zinc and aluminum should ideally not be painted. Tin roofs should be painted at an interval of eight years. Zinc and tin alloys are perfect for rough coastal weather. These are the various issues that should be considered before making one's choice.

There are a number of benefits that the owner can enjoy once he chooses metal shingles as his primary roofing material. They come with excellent resistance guarantee to strong wind, fires, hail and storms, earthquakes, and other such natural calamities. They are also well protected from pests and are extremely anti-corrosive. Most manufacturers offer a fifty-year warranty on their metal shingles.

Metal shingles are mostly recycled and statistics show that they are, in most cases, 100% recyclable. Installation is also relatively simple, but consulting a roofing professional would probably be considered a smart idea.

Shingles provides detailed information about shingles, cedar shingles, fiberglass shingles and more. Shingles is affiliated with Home Foundation Repair.

Structural Engineering Advances

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pressure Treated Lumber

If you are building a deck, retaining wall or a swing set for the kids it is highly likely that your material of choice is pressure treated lumber.

Pressure treated lumber, if installed properly, should provide a 40 year useable life. However, there are some things about pressure treated lumber that you have to know, in order to obtain that life and not have your project fall apart in a few years.

To create pressure treated lumber, raw lumber is impregnated with two waterborne compounds that are copper based chemicals. The amount of copper basically determines the usage and all pressure treated lumber, sold in the US, is supposed to have a tag stapled to the end of the board signifying its pounds of preservative per cubic foot of wood product:

0.25 Above Ground

0.40 Ground Contact

0.60 Permanent Wood Foundation

2.50 Salt Water

Because the lumber is impregnated with Copper, the choice of fasteners becomes very important. When two dissimilar metals come in contact with one another a galvanic reaction is created, the outcome is that the materials corrode and disintegrate. The higher the levels of copper in the lumber the faster that the corrosion will occur.

Although most people realize that they must use corrosion resistant fasteners and connectors many do not consider items such as flashings and light poles that are also in contact with the pressure treated lumber. Of course the best metals to use for fasteners, flashings and anything else that comes in contact with the deck is stainless steel or copper whenever possible. Stainless steel is expensive and copper is not conveniently available at your local lumber supply so the next best material is steel that has been galvanized.

Galvanized fasteners come in different grades (the thickness of the coating), better manufactures mark the box with a G rating. The higher the G rating, the more zinc used. You shouldnt use less than a G-90 rating and engineers are now suggesting the use of G-185. If the box is not marked it is probably a G-60 or less and this will not provide enough zinc coating to prevent galvanization from occurring. Cadmium plated nuts, bolts and screws do not provide any protection from corrosion whatsoever.

Some manufactures have created composite coatings for use with pressure treated lumber. Read the label on the box and make sure that what you are buying is suitable for the job.

Do not use aluminum flashing, deck flashing must be stainless steel, galvanized or copper. Aluminum corrodes very quickly when in contact with copper. This also means that metals items that come in contact with the pressure treated lumber must also be protected, items such as outdoor furniture, and barbeques should have rubber or vinyl feet or wheels.

For additional information on pressure treated lumber for your home or other renovation projects, visit Renovation Headquarters.

Demo Concrete Used To Build Stair