I first pondered this question about a year ago. At that time I concluded that Canada was not our friend. At that time Canada had been governed by the Liberal party for about eleven years. It had been governed by Prime Minister Jean Chretien and then Paul Martin. Both Prime Ministers were extremely anti-American. In fact many Canadians were anti-American. Both Prime Ministers increased their popularity by spreading words of hatred against America.
It's funny what a difference a year can make. Canadians showed their support of America this past summer by offering their assistance to the relief effort for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I believe that this act of kindness showed that Canadians can be supportive of this great country.
Then a week ago Canadians went to the polls and elected a new government. They tossed out the old garbage of the Liberal party and elected an old favorite, the Conservative party.
Now Canada is in the right hands. In one of the first acts of friendship toward America in a decade and a half, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper extended an olive branch to the Bush Administration. Harper has pledged to rebuild ties with the United States. While these steps are positive ones in rebuilding ties with the United States, I have skepticism that there will be a real difference between Harper and previous Prime Ministers.
The Conservative party won the election with a minority government. This means that they will be hard pressed to do govern the way they want. Many Canadians are anti-American and see any form of friendship with the U.S. as selling out Canada to the evil empire. So while Harper may want to rebuild ties with America, his hands may be tied and he may fear retribution by the Canadian public.
I do think that Harper is moving in the right direction. I'm not willing to call Canada a friend of the U.S. at this time. It's not an enemy either. Canada is more like an acquaintance. Canada has a decade and a half of hatred toward America. Canada has tried to butt heads with this awesome country and I've been sickened by my fellow Canadians and their horrible actions toward the United States.
The only way that I believe Canada can be called a friend of America is if the Canadian public shows support for Stephen Harper and his willingness to befriend America. Canadians have to view Harpers willingness to befriend America as showing that he is a strong and capable leader. Canadians will have to reward Harper in the polls. This would show Harper that he can be a successful Prime Minister if he supports the United States. We'll have to see what happens.
Anthony B. is the founder and owner of http://www.ItsTheRightWay.com a news, political and sports commentary website.
Anthony has over 7 years of experience as a business professional.
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