Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Modular Homes - A Home Builder's Delight

The Advantages of Modular Homes

Modular homes sections are constructed in climate-regulated manufacturing plants, allowing builders to eliminate the expensive delays they experience whenever the weather their building sites turns against them. The time it takes to have a modular home up and in move-in condition from the moment it is ordered can be as short as ninety days, and that kind of turnaround can mean savings which a builder can pass along to a customer. Being built inside and away from the weather also means that modular homes can be ordered at any time of the year.

Discounts On Materials

Another advantage modular homes offer for builder-developers is that their materials, both for the exterior, and the interior finishing materials and appliances, can be ordered in bulk lots, at significant discounts. Yet they will be equal in quality to any of the materials or appliances used in standard homes. This is another huge savings for the builder, and eventually for the customer.

Factory Site Quality Control

One often overlooked advantage of modular homes for builder-developers is that because a modular home is manufactured in a single factory, those who are building it will be subject to the same performance standards. The end result is a home of uniform quality throughout, and both the home builder and the future home owner will benefit from knowing that.


How about the fact that going modular allows a builder to tailor his home plans to his customers' specifications? This is a terrific advantage of modular homes for builder-developers because it gives the builder the flexibility to either draw up his own plans or order homes built to an individual buyer's request. Modular homes can be created in any architectural style, and a design plan can even be changed via computer if the customer comes up with a new idea.

Unlimited Choices

Another advantage of modular homes for builder-developers is that there is literally no limit to the size or architectural detailing of these homes. From vacation cottages and log cabins to palatial multi-storey seaside retreats, of even multi-family structures, modular homes are available for every possible taste and budget. There are even some builders who now choose modular construction for their commercial office projects.

The advantages of modular homes for builder-developers have become so great that they clearly outshine any small stigma which may remain in the minds of some when they hear the term "modular home!"

You can also find more info on buy modular home. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Homes.

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