Sunday, May 31, 2009

Credit Repair For Newbies

The times are tough. Card companies are hurting, and the lending market is frozen for those who need it. As long as you don't have an excellent credit history, you are going to be snubbed by lenders and card companies. Paying your bills on time is only one part of the equation. Many folks assume that as long as pay their balances on time, they will be fine. In reality, many have suffered from this lack of knowledge and fallen on hard times. Knowing how to fix your credit is not something that only people with less than stellar track-record should be worried about. Life throws curve balls at all of us, and the more you know about these issues, the better chance you have of dealing with them in a calm matter.

If you are new to the whole concept of repairing your credit, you should know about the following

  • Score: your score is more than just a number. You need to understand what affects your score badly and try to avoid it. Your D/C ratio is one of the many factors that you need to be concerned about. The more you know, the faster you can up your FICO-score.
  • Report: Everybody knows what a credit-report is, right? But do you know how to get it for free? Are you aware which companies can help you monitor it more effectively. Can you even read your report properly?
  • Dealing with creditors: let's say you are in big trouble. There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with creditors. By knowing how to deal with these guys, you can get back on the right path faster.
  • ID theft: as someone who's been a victim of identity theft, I know it's something you don't want to deal with. That's why you should keep your eyes and ears open and protect your information at all times. If your identity is stolen, you need to contact authorities and start reversing the effects fast. But you've got to know where to start.
  • laws: knowing the laws can help you figure out what rights you have. You should always know your rights to protect yourself against unjustified action by creditors and card companies.
  • Litigation: dealing with litigation is a whole other animal here. If you are in this stage, there are probably a lot of issues you wonder about. By reaching out to others who have had the same issue, you can face your challenge easier.

There you have it. As you can see, there is more to credit repair that meets the eye. By staying informed, you save yourself time and focus on things that matter more, like your family and your life.

Looking to repair your credit history? Log on to to find out credit repair tips and products that you can use to help you with the process.

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